CHAPTER 30- The Wedding

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"Oh shit!" I screamed to Noah who still was on one knee.

"Uhhhhhm princessa I'm waiting for an answer?" He whispered.

"Of course YES! I love you so soo much and I don't care how old we are or whatever other people say. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So YESSS!" I answered before crashing my lips onto his.

(I mean what did you expect ;D)

Noah placed the princess-cut diamond on my finger. I jumped onto Noah and wrapped my arms around his neck. To my surprise, Noah placed his hands on my butt and lifted me up. As a reaction, I wrapped my legs around his torso.

Noah's lips were tough and a little bit chapped but I didn't care. 

Noah kissed my neck "I" then made his way over to my shoulder talking the strap of my nightgown down with his teeth and kissing my shoulder "LOVE" his lips trailed down my arm to my hand. Not once losing contact with my skin. He kissed my hand. "YOU"

I giggled like a stupid schoolgirl which I wasn't since this morning.

"Wanna pop the champagne so we can pop other stuff as well?" I asked innocently. I mean what can I say with a guy like Noah I just can't keep myself in check.

"Sure princessa or should I now say, my beautiful fiancée?" 

"Shut up Noah you're making me blush!"

We stayed up all night talking with Noah.

"No sexy lady I want to get married as soon as possible. At least before you go to Columbia so that all those idiot frat boys can back off."

"But Noah we have so much to organize like the venue, the catering, the guest list. I mean will we have it in the summer time or winter? What will I wear? What will you wear?"

"Princessa you think too much." He held my face in his hands.

"Do you love me, Briella?"

"You know I do."

"Then come on. Let's get married right now. Right this night."

"Noah you must be out of your mind. We can't. We haven't figured out the..." Noah shut me up with his lips. "Uhh, the guest list." Another kiss. "And the gown." One last kiss before Noah finally spoke.

"Come on it's only six o'clock. You go find a white dress. I have my tux. I have your fathers blessing. My mom knows about the proposal. The guys have nothing better to do and this will be a night we can tell our kids about."

I didn't know what to say. All my life I had done what was expected of me and right now I just had to trust Noah that nothing would go wrong.

"Okay," I whispered.


And that's how I found myself three hours later in a little church in Brooklyn with all of my friends, so Martin, my family, Noah's friends and family and our mutual friends.

Laz woke the priest up so that he could pronounce us wife and husband. At first, the priest said no but then Laz lied to him and said that Noah had a very severe case of cancer and only a month left to live. "You are going to hell." I whisper-shouted to him but he just ignored me and continued his lie.

Thanks to my mom who surprisingly was okay with my last minute marriage plan she talked with Vera Wang, YES THE VERA WANG, on the phone and organized a wedding dress for me. It was beautiful. I knew it was perfect when the silky dress touched my skin. And besides, it was my size.

I looked in the room. There were about twenty people and Noah was standing with The priest to his right. the only thing missing was my father. Where was he?! My mom came 'backstage' to me.

"Sweety, your dad is not going to make it. He sais he got stuck with a client on a DUI. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay I stopped counting on him a long time ago." I mean, to be honest, I saw this coming before she even came to me. And as if on cue Martin appeared to my right and I took his arm.

"Ready pumpkin?"

"Never been more ready in my life Martin."

And the music began. The walk up to my future husband felt like an eternity. I was so afraid I would trip and fall on my face like Jennifer Lawrence in the 2013 Oscars. God knows it would take me more time to stand up then it took her. But soon I was standing face to face with Noah.

The priest talked and talked and talked until he started the part which was important. "Do you Briella Rose Adams take Noah to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" I replied and I was expecting the same from Noah but his reply was rather, how shall I put it, unique.

"Of fucking course I do. Have you seen this rockin' bod?" He asked pointing at me.

The priest was in a state of shock but soon recovered and continued.

The wedding was perfect minimal but perfect. Everyone I care about was here except Xavier.

In case you were wondering Xavier was nowhere to be found. He had left as soon as he heard bout the wedding. Not even a goodbye I was worth I guess. And as I was sitting in the eating area of my table Alejandro made his way over to me. "What's up Ale?" I asked. I hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Nothing much really. I just wanted to say congratulations and give you this." He said taking a letter out of his pocket. "It's not from me. It's from Xavier."

And with that, he left. I opened the letter and silently started reading it.

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