CHAPTER 15- The Important Words

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After the delicious dinner that Sofia had prepared, Noah promised to visit more often, and then he drove me home. I really liked Sofia. She reminded me so much of my own mother. She was loving and caring and had such an amazing personality. We had bonded further while we washed the dishes.

"Thank you for letting me meet your mom. I loved her she was so nice."

"Yeah. She's the best. Would you mind if I come up? I think we should talk before my mother interferes again."

I just nodded in response and we made our way into my room. As soon as I entered it I knew something was different. It was still bright outside and then I remembered. I totally forgot to tell my mom I wasn't going to come home with Martin. First I texted Martin saying that I was home and he said that he had figured which translated to 'I tracked your phone and knew where you were at all times so I'll let you off the hook easy'. Then I motioned for Noah to wait. I made my way down the stairs very quietly opening the front door I screamed 'I'm home' and slammed the door.

Gloria made her way down the stairs explaining that my dad had some business somewhere overseas and that my mom was also needed so she had left this morning.

Not to sound too happy about having no parents in the house, I told Gloria she could take the night off. I knew that her youngest son was turning 13 today. I had already bought a gift for him and handed it to Gloria. She insisted on staying but I was very keen on her being with her family.

As soon as she left I popped two frozen pizzas in the oven and went to check on Noah. I opened the door and saw him looking at the picture frame standing on my nightstand. It was a picture of me and my father. The lawyer I told you about at the start.

"That's my dad. He's most of the time not home but he is the best dad I could have wished for."

"Well, at least you know who your father is. Mine bailed on us just after Tommy was born."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay. My mom really stepped up when my dad left and now we are all good. Better than we were with him. So anyway what are we doing?"

"So I popped a couple of pizzas in the oven how about we invite over some of the guys and have a movie night. Before you ask no one is home. It's just us.  But would you mind if I take a shower first? To be honest it's nice to have female products in the bathroom."

"Of course not. I'll be waiting right here, sexy lady."

So I opened my bedroom door and stepped out. As I've said before the whole floor is mine. One door is my bedroom with my closet and the other is a big bathroom. I have a bathtub and a shower. As soon as I saw the shower I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Remembering the shower scene was getting my face flushed.

I took a really quick shower and stepped out of it. Wrapping a towel around myself, I made my way over to my bedroom. To my surprise, Noah was nowhere to be found. I was looking at my bed wondering where he could have gone when two hands wrapped themselves around my shoulders. He smelled so good.

"Noah I'm wet."

"Yeah, you are, sexy lady."

"No I mean really. I just stepped out of the shower my hair is wet and now you're going to get wet." 

Looking at him I saw that he was already wet all over his shirt. "Oh screw it." I said before turning us around and pushing him on the bed. I made my way over to him. I got on him and started kissing him fully on the lips. I was so much in love with him. I first noticed when he got more mad at Amanda than me. He was so protective and I kind of liked it.

Noah's hand made it's way under the towel wrapped around my body. He started touching my butt. Being so intimate with Noah was great but I don't think I was ready to go all the way yet. And I think Noah notice because he pulled back and said that we needed to talk.

"Okay. What do you want to talk about? And should I get dressed or are you okay with it?"

"Oh I'm definitely more than okay with it." We were sitting at the edge of my bed now. Me in a towel and Noah's shirt totally wet because of my hair. "I wanted to tell you something. You are the most annoying, irritating, maddening person I know but at the same time, you are the most beautiful, sexy, intelligent, charming, forceful, fearless, generous, and gorgeous person I know. I have never met anyone as special as you Briella. You might not have noticed it when I robbed you and then kidnapped you but I don't get along with a lot of people and I feel like I'm myself around you. The best version of myself at least. You make me so happy with all of our fighting and competitions so what I'm trying to say is that Briella Rose Adam... I....I love you."

I couldn't help but let the tears fall down my cheeks. Those were the best words anyone has ever said to me. So I couldn't help but answer with "I love you too, loverboy." 

And then Noah kissed me. So much passion. So much life. It was like he was giving me life with his kiss. We made out for quite some time until the doorbell rang.

Noah jumped up explaining that he had called Xavier and Laz to come over. I got dressed really quickly and made my way downstairs. By the time I came down, I heard that Noah had just found the front door and was opening it. Knowing that he was capable of opening a door on his own I stopped on the second floor to prepare the pizza. By preparing, I mean putting it on four different plates and getting some soda.

"Boys come up. Pizza's ready." I yelled.

Laz was the first one to enter the kitchen. Shocked he asked, "Girl how rich are your folks?"

"Don't you worry your little brain about that. Grab these plates and follow me, people. You guys want to play some games. XBOX? PS? I have both. I also have Mario Cart." I finished entering the game room. 

Out of breath I sat down on the couch which was located in front of the TV. Damn I hated stairs. The game room was pretty simple. We had a pool table, poker or games table, a TV, a couch, and two bean bags. Xavier was the first one in. Sitting next to me he said, "Don't cry when I win though."

"Oh, we will see about that."

About 2 AM Laz and Xavier left. I was so thankful I was kind of getting bored of all the games. I showed them out and Noah cleaned our plates and all the other snacks the boys brought into the game room. After we made our way into my room I still had the clothes Xavier gave me so I gave the sweatpants to Noah. I guess now he had to sleep without a shirt.

I was already in bed when Noah received a text message I asked him about it and he said that Laz was texting saying that they got home safely. I thought it was weird but I didn't say anything. I didn't want to be that girlfriend and yet again I fell as in the arms of my boyfriend.

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