CHAPTER 16- The Kidnapping

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Waking up I noticed that Noah was gone. I mean I was so used to him. Over the last five days, we were together all the time. Not that I'm complaining. I like him. Hell, I loved him. I got out of bed and saw the balcony door open. Classic Noah so careless. Anyway, I made my way over to the bathroom. I wanted to take another shower since I hated smelling like a teenage boy but I guess that's what happens when you keep hanging out with adult boys who keep acting like teenagers.

Stepping out of the shower I wrapped a towel around myself and made my way over to my room. I noticed that the balcony door was still open but at the moment I didn't pay much attention. As I was about to open my closet door I felt someone rush through the open balcony and stand right behind me. 

Of course, I didn't panic. At the time I didn't have a reason to. Seeing the outlet of a young boy I just assumed that it was Noah who came back. So I didn't question much further when the person behind me wrapped his arms around my torso. But it felt off. It felt wrong. Like the person behind me wasn't Noah who I felt really close to. I thought maybe Noah's tense so I asked:

"What's wrong Noah? Why are you so tense?"

Feeling the person behind me hold me tighter I noticed that one of his hands disappeared from my torso. Annoyed I added:

"Come on we have been through so much. Please talk to me" 

Before I had the chance to turn around the figure behind me whispered into my ear "I'm sorry" 

I knew instantly that that voice didn't belong to Noah. It happened so fast. The stranger held something against my mouth and nose and before I knew what was going on I passed out.

Waking up the first thing that I noticed was how cold the floor was against my butt. The second thing was how my butt was clothed. And my chest was clothed. Actually, I was clothed everywhere. I had a red dress on and instantly noticed my big calves. I mean seriously. This is not the time for one of my self-doubt moments. Closing my eyes shut I kept telling myself that it was all just a dream and when I had the courage to open them again I knew that this was not a dream. I was in a room with no windows and only one door which was shut. There was a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling and that was the only source of light. Cliche much I thought to myself.

 "I mean really why can't people kidnap people and bring them to spas or something" I said out loud and before I could keep talking I heard a chuckle followed by a "Funny."

 In one corner of the room, there was a man sitting. Probably the man who kidnapped me. Somehow I had the feeling that I knew him. Where did I know him from? Where?

"Wait a minute. I know that voice. Alex is that you?" I had seen him quite a couple of times because we were so close with Alice. Alex was Alice's brother. He was goofy and had kind of became my brother as well. 

"Maybe." He said and I knew that it was him.

I was mad. No, I was furious. "What the FUCK ALEX?! Why the hell did you kidnap me? And what was all that touching while you tried to kidnap me. I mean seriously. You could have just called me into a dark alley and I would have come with you."

"First of all chill. I don't want the other dudes to hear me here. You see no one's supposed to talk to you. And Second I didn't kidnap you. I didn't even know you were here until a few hours ago."

"Wait. A few hours? How long have I been here? And where the hell is here?"

Alex thought about his answer for a minute and said "Probably like two days and this is our headquarters. Or lay. Or muse."


"This is where our gang hangs out."

"Then why the fuck am I here? I don't want any part of your gang business."

"Well, it's not up to you. It's also not up to me or Noah. By the way, if you were wondering he didn't know you were going to get sucked in. He is up there trying to make a deal with the head of our gang to keep you out of it but he seems to be set on keeping you here. I honestly don't know why. You are awesome and all but you are not tough."

"Oh and you mister I-peed-my-patens-when-I-was-ten."

"Of course I'm tough Bri. And I told you never to repeat that story." He said in a whiny voice.

Before I had the chance to laugh at his stupidity the door opened and I man stepped in. One of the last person I expected.

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