CHAPTER 22- The Flight

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(By the way I LOVE it when you guys comment and vote on my work. I love you guys. Hope you enjoy this chapter a lot of drama)

Waking up is something that should be peaceful but in my case, it wasn't. I woke up in a car. I don't even know how I got here. Last I remember I was in bed with Noah's arms wrapped around me.

"What the hell?" I screamed as soon as I opened my eyes. After a few seconds, my eyes got used to the light and I saw that Noah was sitting in the driver's seat. "Noah?"

"Yes muffin. What is it?" He answered not taking his eyes off the road. Just by his change of attitude, I knew something was very wrong. What was he hiding from me?

"Okay Noah cut the crap. I have known you for a lot of months now and we have been officially dating for two. I know you well enough to know when you're hiding something. So there are two ways we can do this." I said joking. I was expecting Noah to come up with a cocky comeback but he just sat still, looking at the road ahead and pursing his lips hard together.

Noah was just about to answer when a voice came from the backseat. I was taking quite aback, so I made a little squicky noise.

I saw Xavier's face turn to me, his usual smile plastered on his lips.

"Well hello beauty or should I now call you sleeping beauty?"

"No but you can tell me where we're going and how the hell did you get me in this car?"

The huge Davian carrying me was another deal but one of these guys? They had no chance of carrying me. Like NO chance. Not that they weren't big or strong but mainly because I was doubting that Davian was human.

"Easy. First we're going to the airport for a quick vacay and second Noah carried you."

"What? You did?" I asked Noah turning my head around to face him.

"Yeah it was not a big deal. We're just going to the airport and then to London. I thought after all that you've been through..." I didn't let him finish.

"No I meant how the hell did you pick me up? I am HUGE." I couldn't even register the words that were coming out of my mouth and before I knew it, they were out.

Noah looked generally pissed. His jaw was clenched and his knuckles were turning white from holding the steering wheel so hard.

"God damn it Briella. How many fucking times do I have to tell you that you are damn beautiful? Your curves are the definition of perfection. I wouldn't change a thing about you. I just wish that you could see the beauty in yourself." Noah actually looked sad. I couldn't see him sad. Seeing him sad made me sad, so I looked in my lap.

Even though I was sad I still couldn't help but think that my thighs were huge. They were even touching. I mean did my thighs even separate. As if Noah had sensed me judging my thighs, he moved his hand on my left one. His hand didn't even cover my whole thigh. I am so big. Noah just knew that something was still wrong because he kept moving his hand up and down my thigh. I felt tingles but I was still looking down.

Why did this gorgeous guy choose me? He could have any girl he wanted. And I mean any girl.

"Because I only love one gorgeous, curvy, sassy, a tiny but shy, sensible, selfless, priceless, smart and adorable princessa. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. Because without you, I would have nothing to hold onto. You are my everything princessa. I am totally in love with you." He said before reaching over and right as he was about to kiss me, I heard the door being shut closed and it was loud.

Oh shoot I totally forgot about Xavier being in the backseat. And why weren't we moving? "Are we at the airport?"

"Yeah we arrived a couple of minutes ago." He answered. Looking right into my soul. I was about to get out of the car when Noah said that we weren't finished and turned me around so that I was facing him and started kissing me.

I felt his tongue tucking at my upper lip asking for entrance which I gladly gave him. I couldn't help but moan against his lips. He was so dominant. And I liked dominant. I loved him so much. "I love you so damn much Noah."

"I love you so damn much as well and I also love it damn much when you curse for me. Don't you dare leave me. You hear me Briella. Don't you dare ever leave me."

"No Noah. Don't you dare ever leave me."

"Oh muffin, believe me if any of us is gonna leave it's going to be you, leaving me for that guy you keep talking about. What was his name? Dylan O'Brien?"

"Noah trust me I wouldn't leave this" I slid my hands into his shirt and they made their way over to his back. I was full on hugging him. My head on his chest, "for anything. I am scared, Noah. I have gotten so used to you. I feel like you are the only one for me and if I don't know if I could survive if you left me."

"Don't worry about me leaving because I'm here for you as long as you'll have me."

We hugged for quite a long time until Noah kindly reminded me that we still needed to get on the plane.

About half way into the eight-hour flight I realized that I didn't know why we were on the plane. I mean Noah said something about me needing a vacation but why now? Whose plane was this? This was a private plane. They are quite expensive. I made my way over to where Noah was sitting when I saw a passed out Xavier and Davian hugging each other in their sleep. I took out my phone which was on flight mode and took a quick picture. They just looked so cute and vulnerable.

"You shouldn't do that princessa." Someone said behind me and I couldn't help but let out a squeal again.

"Noah you keep scaring me." I noted, jokingly hitting his arm.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. "I. AM. SO. SO. OH. SO. SORRY." The tattoos on his neck made me feel all kinds of things. He was such a badboy stereotype. And I was such a pathetic overweight loser stereotype. Starcrossed lovers, I swear to god.

"Keep being sorry, boy. I don't want you to stop." I said. His kisses felt so good. His soft lips were red. Why was this man so pretty?

"Oh please stop being sorry." Someone said. It was Davian. "I don't want to see your PDA. Gross teenagers. You with your gross ass hormones."

"Hey, you're not even that much older than us."

"Oh shut up and play poker with me, lady." Davian shoot back, standing up from his seat and making his way over to the table in the middle.

He sat down and got a deck of cards from his pocket and his wallet. He was asking to lose money against me. I mean what did I have to lose? Last time we played it went my way. Lightning might just strike twice. I mean if someone like Noah can love someone like me there is nothing impossible in this world.

"Oh, you're so on dumbass. And Noah you up for losing against a woman?"

"As you said: you're so on, muffin."

And the rest of the flight was spent by Noah and Davian losing 50 pounds each.

And yet again I had forgotten to ask Noah why we were on this plane.


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