CHAPTER 27- The Inevitable Talk

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(The picture is Noah humming and comforting a dog. Just imagine the dog as Briella. He is CIYUTEEEE I know. Btw for the cute use your inner high school cheerleader voice please.)

It had been a month now since my birthday. Yeah the birthday where I heard Noah and Xavier talking and yelled at both of them.

Noah has been great. Buying me chocolates, flowers and even counting the days until my graduation so that "we can finally legally move together". During that month I also talked to my father, letting him know that I wasn't going away for college like he had planned. My dad always wanted me to go to Harvard but I was perfectly fine with Columbia. In fact, it was my dream school so you can imagine how HAPPY I was when I got accepted. I was sitting in the living room watching a romance movie and balling my eyes out with Noah laying next to me. He had fallen asleep a while ago when my phone rang. It was my mom. Surprisingly both my parents were happy that I was staying with the boys. They said that firstly it would be protection and secondly I would have some human company. I guess they did think like parents at some point because my mom made me promise that I wouldn't get knocked up at 17.

As you can see it my life was pretty good, the only pain in my heart was that Xavier hadn't talked more than two words to me. He even avoided me while under the same roof. It seriously sucked because I missed him. I missed talking like we used to. 

So you can imagine my surprise when one evening I was laying in bed, Noah and Laz had business to attend to I heard the front door open and close. I assumed it was Noah so I didn't bother putting a jacket on. I had my short PJ shorts and a top tank. Sounds sexy right? What I didn't mention yet was that they were both Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles inspired so I looked pretty funny. I mean Michaelangelo is life. I was laying on the bed face down looking at my computer when I asked: "So how was your 'business'?" I even did the air quotes. 

I felt Noah lean closer to me soon he was on top of me. I didn't turn around because I still had to finish my essay. "I only have two hundred words left and then I will be finished with the shitty second world war. I mean seriously how bad can one country fuck up?" I questioned. Noah didn't answer like I had expected. His hand gripped my butt and he started kissing my neck from behind and I started enjoying it until I was bitch slapped with the smell of his colon. I knew Noah's colon. This was not it.

In a heartbeat, I turned around and was confronted with Xavier's pleading eyes. 

I was so caught off guard that the only thing coming out o my mound was "Ehhmmmmm..."

"Hi. Sorry to ambush you like this but those shorts were just eating me up inside."

"Xavier we can't. Noah is your..."

"Best Friend. I know. And believe me Briella I tried to honor Noah's wishes and keep away from you but you drive me nuts. I see you sitting in the living room watching cartoons or reading your book and you have no idea what I would do to be there next to you. I just want to hold you and love you like nobody has ever loved you. I know that right now you love Noah and he must be crazy about you but no matter what happens he will never love you like I do. I know that you choose Noah now and you will probably pick him after this conversation but eventually. Eventually, Briella you will come to me. You have no idea how much I can love you, how much I can cherish you and that sweet, sweet body of yours. I'm not asking you to pick me, Briella because I'm not that selfish but I'm selfish enough to ask you to consider what I just said. Don't forget I will love you for an eternity and beyond, just think about it." He finished before crashing his lips onto mine. I didn't kiss him back because I knew how much it would hurt Noah if he found out. But to be 100 percent honest like a tipsy tiny part of me wanted to kiss him back. A tipsy tiny part.

He didn't even give me time to answer. Before I could cope with what had just happened, Xavier left the room. I just heard him yell "Think about it, love. I will make you mine. I'm irresistible, I tell you" in his British accent. Sometimes I think that I take that accent for granted.

But one thing is definitely clear: I love Noah and nothing will change that. I could never do something to hurt him. He is the one who saw the diamond in the rough and by diamond in the rough I mean the heart under all of my fat rolls. I love Noah. I love him. 

I didn't know what to do next so I just got under the covers and fall asleep.

A dream. A freakin' dream happens next. A dream where I feel very hot. Very hot. I don't know what's happening but I see a guy and we're making out. Even a little bit more. But to my surprise, the weirdest thing isn't the heavy makeout session. The weirdest thing is that the guy didn't have a freakin' face. HIS FACE WAS JUST LIGHT. It scared me a lot I guess but I couldn't stop kissing him. It was like something inside of me, some feeling were pulling me to him. And then all of a sudden I felt a pain in my back and when I turned to look what was there, there was another man holding a gun. That's when I realized that I had been shot. Just above my torso, there was blood starting to stain my shirt. I tried to push and stop the bleeding but I couldn't. When I looked around to scream for help no one was there. Everyone was gone. Everyone. I was all alone when I fell on the floor. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak. And soon everything started going black. I don't know what happened next but Noah was shaking me, telling me that I had a bad dream. 

He kissed the top of my head. "Shhh princessa it was just a bad dream. Shhhh. I'm here. I'm here. I love you and I will always be here." He comforted me.

"What did I do to deserve you? I love you so much, Noah. Don't leave me, okay? You don't get to leave."

"Believe me princessa, I will be here until the day that you kick me out."

I fell asleep again, in Noah's arm listening to him hum a lullaby.

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