CHAPTER 21- The Martin Talk

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Opening my eyes the first thing I saw was Bri's beautiful face. She had her eyes closed so I assumed she was asleep. I stared at her for a good twenty minutes until I felt like a creep so slowly I stood up from our bed to make my way down the stairs.

Xavier was sitting on the couch with a bowl of cornflakes watching SpongeBob Squarepants. I was still mad at him for seeing my beautiful Princess naked. I know that he didn't mean to but yet I was furious. She was mine and ONLY mine. I was just about to say something when the doorbell rang. It was a Sunday morning. Who could it be?

I opened the door and was face to face with a middle-aged man with a beard.

"Hi. How may I help you?", I asked politely.

"You Noah?" His voice was very deep and intimidating. To be honest he was intimidating. I was sure that he could take me in a fight.

"Yes, and who are you?" I questioned with one hand on the door to stop him from looking in. In case Briella came down the stairs I didn't want this creep to see her.

"It doesn't matter who I am. I just need you to listen to me for the next few minutes." I wasn't really listening until he said: " It's about Briella." How did this dude know about Briella? Was he also in the gang?

"I know what you're thinking and no I'm not really in the gang per say but I'm very in touch with it. I just want to know that Briella is well and happy. If you mention me coming here I will hurt you. If you make her unhappy I will hurt you and if you hurt her I will kill you. Got it?" The stranger asked taking a step closer so that we were chest to chest.

"Look man, I don't know who the hell you are and I don't care either but you can be damn sure that I will make whatever is necessary to keep Briella safe. I really care about her."

"Are you sure that you would do whatever necessary?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I would do anything for her." I answered a little bit annoyed. We were repeating ourselves.

"If you are sure then there is only one way you both get out of this unharmed. You have to leave the gang and run away with Briella. As you know her father is the gang leader and you can't just hide and sleep with the gang leader's daughter and expect him to be okay with it. He knew the moment you started talking to Briella and when you found out who Briella's father was from that picture and he knew when you tried to delete your text messages with her to keep her safe. He will want to get her back eventually, you did know that right?" He questioned mockingly. Oh god, I hated this dude. So cocky and strong.

"So what do you expect me to do? Get in the car with her and go to Mexico?"

"No, I expect you to take a few trusted friends and be at the LaGuardia Airport today at 11 A.M. That means in 2 hours. I have set up a private plane for you guys and I have also set up a little house in London. Don't tell anyone where you're going, not even Briella. You will take care of her, you understand?"

"I understand but I still don't know your name." I mean did I even trust this dude. For all I know he could be the one leading us to Bri's dad.

"Just call me Martin. Here is a burner phone with only one number on it. Mine. You will call me when you get to the house in London. The keys for the house are in the plane. One of the flight attendants is going to give it to you with a little paper. On the paper, you will find the address to the house. Today, LaGuardia, 11 A.M. Don't forget." And he didn't even let me say anything before he left me standing there, wondering what the hell I should do next.


Sorry for the tiny chapter but I just really wanted to write in Noah's P.O.V. Love you guys lots!!!

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