CHAPTER 19- The New Home

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Coming home was different. It was 10 A.M. now and for the first time in a long time, both of my parents were there, in the kitchen waiting for me. I would have started crying if I didn't know why there were here. And to think we were a perfectly normal family just a few months ago.

"Hello, mother. Hello, gang leader I call father." Sarcasm. Ahhh. And seeing my mom showing no sign of shock confirmed that she knew.

My dad stood up very slowly and barely a whisper he asked: "Where have you been all night?"

How dear he? He had no right. He kept a big ass secret from me for years. At least I think years. I don't even know that. Oh my, is even anything real?

"Well, I don't know dad. Maybe you should ask all the gang members that work for you and mom how could you do it? Knowing about this and not doing anything. You are just as big a coward as dad. HOW could you be okay with this? Do you even know what they do? I don't even know. Do you fight? Do you sell drugs? Kill puppies? I don't know because you guys haven't told me anything."

I wasn't angry that he was the gang leader. What hurt was that they kept this huge thing from me. I mean Noah and the others were in a gang and honestly I didn't mind it as much.

"Watch your tone Briella." My mom whispered. She didn't even have the courage to look me in the eyes.

"You know what? I will not watch my tone and you are lucky enough to not hear it for some time. I'm going to stay at a friends house for some time"

My dad chuckled: "What friends?" He asked and as soon as the words left his mouth, he knew what he had said. He probably didn't want to say it out loud which made things worse. That meant that he thought that about me.

Without replying I made my may up the stairs into my room and I grabbed a duffel bag out of my closet. I packed jeans, shorts, pjs, t-shirts, a few jackets, hairbrush, toothbrush and other hygiene products.

I texted Noah who was waiting outside in the alley that I was finished packing and that I would come down soon.

Lastly, I picked up my laptop charger and a stack of cash I kept in my room and put it in my bag. I guess in some weird way I was my daddy's little girl.

Arriving at the new house I was greeted with a smirking Xavier and Lazarus. They both seemed really happy I was there which made me relieved because I was afraid that they would mind me disturbing their 'bro lair'.

After hugging both of them I made my way over to Noah's room, sorry our room and settled in. I know that not telling my parents where I was going or the fact that I left out the balcony weren't nice things but I was still mad at them. I mean if my father could risk our families life by being a gang leader then he didn't deserve to know about my wellbeing.

When I made my way down the stairs I saw that the guys had set the table and there was the smell of food in the air. I couldn't believe my eyes. The guys were so sweet.

Laz looked at me and explained: "We normally don't eat at the table but to welcome you into our humble home, we prepared you dinner. We know.... we're so cute." He added in a high pitch tone.

I started laughing and it is safe to say that I didn't stop laughing all night. These guys were going to be the death of me.

It was about 9 P.M. when everyone was in the living room watching something. I stood up and was making my way over to the bathroom to take a shower when I felt Noah's hand wrap itself around my chest.

"Where are you going sexy lady?" Noah's chest was aginst my back. I hadn't heard that in so long. It's weird to think that I used to hate him at first.

"Nowhere. I was just going to take a shower if that's okay with you?" I asked. It was still his house.

He turned me around and looked me in the eyes but it felt like he was looking into my soul.

"This is your house, Briella. You should really feel at home. I love you, little bunny."

"Well, that's new." I know that I stated the obvious.

"Yeah, I know. You like it?" Noah asked trying to hide the fact that his eyes were sparkling.

"Of course I do but now I want a new nickname for you. How about Love Muffin." As soon as I said it, I saw Noah's eyes widen.

"No chance in hell, little bunny." He said but after a second his face softened and he smiled before kissing me full on the lips.

His tongue fought against mine for dominance but by now I knew that he liked to take charge when it came to things like these. Somehow his hand made his way under my shirt and was now on my bra. My hand was in his hair, tucking at it. I didn't want to stop. I couldn't stop. I needed Noah. I just needed him.

Soon he let go of me and told me that if I didn't get in the shower in the next thirty seconds he was going to come in the shower with me and make sure that I got dirty before getting clean. Flashback anyone.

I quickly made my way into the bathroom and undressed, getting into the shower. I had even brought my shampoo in there but I had forgotten about one thing. I hadn't bought new clothes in there so after my shower I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. I tried to skip looking at the mirror and pitying myself but I just couldn't. Old habits die hard.

I just didn't understand what Noah saw in me. I was fat. I was ugly. I was rich and I was a girl. I was the Furg.

Trying to ignore my bad thoughts I made my way out the bathroom and hit someone's chest which made me drop my towel. And it was NOT Noah's chest.


Who do you want it to be? I swear I will listen. :D

Thank you for reading!

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