CHAPTER 4- The Incident

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(The picture is Lazzaros)

"Uhuh. There is no chance in hell I'm getting a tattoo. No chance. I mean I would die because of the pain. And even if I didn't die right away my parents would kill me personally." I was shocked. Noah brought me to a tattoo artist and was expecting me to get a tattoo? I mean I always wanted one but I'm still 16. And that was too early.

Noah just looked at me and started laughing. I was angry. Why was he laughing at me?

"What's so funny?" I asked and Noah just kept on laughing.

"I'm serious. What's so funny?" Noah was holding his belly. It must hurt from all the laughing at me.

Finally, Noah answered me. Well tried to. "Hold on. You thought that I was gonna make you get a tattoo?" Answering a question with a question. Nice.

"Yeah, sort of. I mean we are at a tattoo studio." I was confused. What else can you do at a tattoo studio?

"No, I work here." Noah noticed my confused look and kept explaining. "I am a tattoo artist. Well only as a hobby and besides I would never force you but if you ever want a tattoo then you know who to call."

"Oh okay." I was so embarrassed. I actually thought that he was going to force me to get a tattoo. I mean what's wrong with me? Noah would never. Wait? I wouldn't know, I just met him yesterday. I can't believe it only has been a day. It feels like a lifetime.

We entered the shop and a tall skinny guy greeted us. He was wearing dark jeans and a t-shirt that was revealing all his tattoo-covered body. That made me think, did Noah have any tattoos? Inside the walls were covert with tattoo ideas and there was a corner that had a sign 'Piercings' on it. A piercing, huh.

"Noah, my brother. It has been ages." The tall guy said. Damn, he was skinny. I don't just mean normal skinny I'm talking about spoiled rich girl skinny.

"You saw me this morning Adam," Noah mumbled more to himself than to Adam.

"Wait is that a chick?" He took one step closer to me. "Hi. The name is Adam."


"Nice to met you Bri. You here to get a tattoo?"

Before I could say anything Noah answered for me "No she's definitely not."

"What do you mean 'definitely not'? Maybe I want one."

Noah turned to me. "Well do you want one?"


"Okay then..."

"I want a piercing." It was the first thing that shot into my mind. I didn't like it when Noah won our little arguments. But rewind. What did I just say?

"You want a piercing?"

"Yes. I want a piercing," I never thought about it but why not. I mean the worst thing that I have ever done was steal a banana when I was eight.

Adam smiled. "Then you came to the right place. What kind of a piercing do you want? Ear piercing, facial piercing, lip piercing, oral piercing, surface piercing and there is always the genital piercing."

"Well, definitely not the last one and which one hurts the least?" I didn't want to feel pain. I remember the first time I got waxed. I cried for hours. I ran out of the salon and refused to let my second leg to get waxed. After a day my mom forced me into the salon again.

"I guess the ear piercing. But if you want I could always give you a 'my little pony' tattoo. Chicks really dig that."

"No thank you. The ear piercing is perfect, but to be clear I want, what you call them, a helix? The one that is on the upper side of my ear. Do I sit somewhere? I don't know close my eyes or something?" I had never done this before. Or anything like this, for that matter. As I said taking a banana without permission was the worst thing I did. Or maybe it was the time when Amanda and I prank called our English professor because he was so hot.

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