CHAPTER 7- The Talk

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(The picture is Xavier)

Do you know that state into a sleep where you can't open your eyes or move but you hear what's going on beside you? Like you can hear what is happening and understand but you can't stand up and reply? That is what's happening right now.

I was laying on the sofa. By now Noah was up and Xavier as well. They were behind the couch where I could hear them. Noah got a blanket from somewhere and covered me up with it. I mentally thanked him because I was starting to get cold. 

"You really like her, huh?" I think it was Laz who asked the question.

"Yeah I really think I do," Noah answered and right then and there I wanted to melt into the couch. HE LIKED ME. Oh my god I'm such a girl.

"Then you should tell him about her. It's for her own good." It was definitely Xavier this time.

"I will but not now. I don't want things to be different. It's too early for that." I heard a bling and figured that someone must have received a text message. Noah spoke up "Shit. Laz we gotta go. The boss is calling. He says it's urgent. Xavier will you tell Briella we had to go and maybe drive her home when she wakes up." 

Xavier didn't say anything back. Maybe he nodded I couldn't see. 

And then I felt lips against my forehead. Noah was giving me a little kiss on the forehead. Oh my god how much cuter can he get.

They left and soon after I was able to wake. I didn't want Xavier to know I had heard their conversation so I asked where the others were. He answered that 'they had something to take care of' and when I asked why he was here he answered 'who else would look after this beauty?' Cute but not informative.

"So what do we do now? Can you drive me home?" I asked Xavier.

"Yes but noooo. It's too early you can't just ditch. Wait let me see. It's 6.30. Are you hungry? I can cook something for us."

"Yeah sure. What can you do? Spaghetti?" I didn't mean to sound like a brat but I mean I wasn't expecting much. 

"Oh I'm hurt, sweetheart. I will make you lasagna. And by the way, it will be awesome and you will love it. While I cook you can watch TV. The remote should be somewhere on the couch " He said already making his way over to the kitchen.

After what felt like an eternity I could hear my stomach growl. I made my way over to the kitchen. I could see that Xavier was almost done. I leaned against the counter. I wanted to jump on it but I was so heavy it would probably break down. I hated my body.

"Are you done yet?" I whined to Xavier who was putting the sauce on the little macaroni things. It was like everything was in slow motion. Xavier grabbed some sauce with his index finger and put in on the tip of my nose.

"Hey what the hell?!" I said while laughing and grabbed some sauce of my own. I just went straight for his hair.

This went on for a long time until we were both covered in tomato sauce. Xavier put the lasagna in the oven and turned to face me.

"So Bri. This will be done in like 40 minutes so in that time you can clean up. I'll give you some clean clothes." He smiled at me.

I was a little worried his clothes probably wouldn't fit me but of course, I didn't tell him that. Xavier was quiet build maybe it would fit maybe.

The second floor was just like I had imagined there were four doors. 3 bedrooms and one bathroom.

"Damn dude you guys share one bathroom. I feel bad for the person cleaning that up." I couldn't help but smile at my own statement.

"Ah, that would be me. You can use the bathroom first but follow me I will give you some fresh clothes. I would give you some of Noah's but I don't know which ones are clean."

Xavier opened one of the doors and I followed him inside. His room was really light and very clean. The opposite of what I imagined Noah's room to look like. He walked over to the closet and handed me a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

"You know where the bathroom is. You can also take a shower if you want. I don't know if you'll be okay with my shampoo but it's the only one there. The guys refuse to buy some of their own."

"Okay thank you, Xavier," I said before making my way over to the bathroom.

Surprisingly the clothes fit and I put my hair in a bun. I made my way down the stairs and on the couch. Soon after Xavier joined me and we ate our dinner while watching a movie. The lasagna was great.

"You really are a great cook." I complimented while helping him do the dishes.

"Why thank you me, lady. Come on it's getting late I should drive you home."

"Okay but I should get changed first. I don't want you to lose your clothes because once I use something for sleeping purposes it never sees the light of day again." 

It was meant to be a joke but Xavier responded really casually "You can keep it then."

It was very sweet and I was a little taken aback.

"Oh okay."

"Now come on Beauty. Let me get your ass home before your parents find out you have been hanging out with people like us." Xavier was smiling so I assumed it was a joke. I laughed it off and made my way over to the entrance. Luckily, Xavier drove a normal car so I felt a little bit safer than on Noah's bike.

We made it home before 8.30 so my mom didn't have any questions and before she could ask the ones she did have I ran up to my room. Watching Netflix I fell asleep still in Xavier's clothes.

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