The Ticket

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Slamming the back door closed Charlie stared at her reflection in the black paint. Her blonde hair danced lightly with the breezing wind, black aviators shielding her blue eyes from the world around her.

The wrangler before her was packed with three full duffle bags, a few pictures, and some personal items. She would be gone for a while, but it wasn't her first time doing this.

Letting out a sigh Charlie stuffed her pale hands into the back pockets of her jeans and stepped towards the white wooden house. It's tiny brown deck jutted into the yard before her as the white bench swing swayed with the wind. Once at the steps she immediately pummeled by her four legged companion. "Hey Riley." She bent over scratching behind the German Shepard's ears.

Riley was a built dog, considering he is retired from the police department. Charlie's grandfather was a police officer for the k9 unit, a good one at that. "Where's grandpa at huh bud?" She asked patting his head.

Letting out a bark the dog turned waiting for her to open the screen door. Once inside, she stood waiting as Riley ran forward. "Grandpa?"

"In here!" He hollered from the living room.

Once inside Charlie leaned against the door frame observing her grandfather as he held a picture frame. A smile crept across her face seeing his old shaking wrinkled hand place the frame back on the shelf. He turned to face her, cane in hand. The cane was a necessity for him, seeing as he had MS.

Woody's aged face curled into a smile looking at her. "Your father would be so proud of you."

Instantly dropping her head Charlie stepped forward to wrap the old man in a hug. Being buried in his chest she closed her eyes and felt the sense of home that she craved so much. "Thanks grandpa."

Grabbing her arms however, Woody turned her towards the hallway. "You've got a long drive ahead of you. You should get going, don't want to be late for your first day."

She smiled as he kept pushing her towards the door. "Okay, okay feel. Getting rid of me already? Got a hot date or something?"

"Very funny diddly." His nickname for her rolled off his lips.

Once on the deck again Charlie walked on her own into the grass below. Then, she shifted to face him. "If you need anything, and I mean anything don't be afraid to call. The girls are just down the road, and I know Chris and Jen would be here in a heart beat."

"Yeah, yeah, them and just about everybody else. I'm not helpless you know." He smiled.

Charlie let out a long breath, "I know... I just worry though."

Grabbing her arms Woody smiled. "I'll be fine Charlie. Go have fun. But be careful, call me once you get there."

Pulling her grandfather into a hug Charlie took in his scent one last time. "I will. Love you papa putz."

Breaking away she said goodbye to Riley one last time before walking towards her jeep at a slow pace. She didn't want to leave, but Charlie knew that she delayed her leaving as long as possible. If she wanted to get from Wisconsin to Baton Rouge, Louisiana she would have to drive nonstop to make it on time.

Once in the driver's seat Charlie started the engine and looked to her grandfather one more time. Then, with a shift of the clutch she pulled away and headed down main street. Her eyes lingered on the house as she made her way through the small down. Eventually though, its white siding disappeared and she was at the far stop sign. People waved to her as she went, everybody here knew her as the real Charlie Sanders. There was no movie star, no TV character. To them, she was just Charlie. And that is something that she would always cherish about her small hometown.

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