Way Too Much Trouble Together

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"Charlotte." His voice called out to her. However, feeling the warmth around her and the deep rumble of his voice, Charlie's eyes seemed to grow heavier. In response she let out a grunt and dug her face deeper into the warm bed beneath her. A low chuckle sent vibrations through her body. "Charlie love it's time to get up." 

Knowing that it was Thomas, Charlie turned on her side and grabbed a hold of his arm pulling it tight against her chest. Then, she began digging her head deeper into his shoulder. "No." 


"Come on. It's Comic-Con. You're favorite place ever." He smiled while imitating her words. 

Taking in a long breath, she shook her head and let it out. His scent was forever imprinted on her. "Not anymore." 

At her words, Thomas's stomach dropped. For the next few minutes, Thomas let her fall back asleep. Her words echoed over and over again in the depths of his mind. For someone who doesn't like mornings, he figured that she wouldn't even be talkative with him. However, obviously he was wrong. 

Reaching over and grabbing a hold of his phone, Thomas quickly sent Jennifer a text asking her to go get Charlie's room unlocked. The gang wanted to go out for brunch this morning and they planned on leaving in a half hour. She didn't take long to get dressed, but he knows that if he didn't give her enough time to get ready he wouldn't hear the end of it. 

"Alright Charlie." He grunted setting his phone back on the night stand. she was so comfortable, so tired, so sleepy, and so warm next to him that it pained him to do this. However, they NEEDED to get ready. "If the circumstances were different, I would let you sleep all day. But Jennifer is unlocking your room now and you need to get ready for today. So come on." he threw the blanket off and immediately she let out a protesting groan. 

This was all new to him, her getting up last. In all honesty, he found it comical. She was in no way shape or form a morning person and that was more than clear now. 

"I don't want to Tommy." 

"I know. But you have too." He maneuvered his way around her and hoisted her into a sitting position. "So wake up sunshine!" 

Rubbing away the exhaustion from her eyes, she sent him a death glare. "Oh god you're a morning person aren't you?" 

Thomas shrugged pulling the blankets away from her. "Today's not all bad. Already off to a good start." 

"Yeah?" She swung her legs over the side while taking her hair out of the messy bun. "And why is that?" 

Laying back down with a thud, Thomas stared at the ceiling. "Well I woke up to Charlie Sanders in my bed." 

Instantly Charlie seemed to stiffen. The guilt from last night was weighing down on her as the seconds passed. "I'm sorry..." She whispered. 

"Sorry?" sitting up to face her, he leaned on his knees looking over to her as well. "Please don't ever be sorry for coming to me. It actually relieves me." He huffed rising to his feet and stretching. 

"Relieves you?"

"Of course." helping her up he smiled. "I'd rather have you here where I don't have to worry about you." 

Instantly her heart seemed to melt. With a gushing smile, her pale skin lit up with the morning sun as she looked away. A heat rose to her cheeks without any control. Trying to keep Thomas from seeing it, Charlie let her feelings take over before wrapping her arms around his torso. There, just like last night, she buried her head into his chest as deep as possible. 

"Don't thank me... anyway." he smiled hugging her back. "You're way more fun to cuddle with than Dylan." Instantly, Charlie broke out into laughter.


"So what was last night all about?" Jennifer asked from Charlies room. 

In the bathroom, Charlie gently grazed her eye lashes with a deep mascara. "I don't know Jen..." 

"Oh my god did you two have sex?!" She may have yelled a little too loud. 

Instantly Charlie sprinted from the bathroom and stood before her friend. "Jesus christ Jen no! I just..." she stumbled. "I had another dream, about the accident." Jennifer immediately settled down. "Not a dream, more like a day dream I don't know. All I know was that I panicked and the next thing I knew I was outside his door." 

Jennifer seemed a little dumbfounded. 

The room fell into an eerie silence at Charlie's words. "He's a nice guy Charles..." This instantly peeked Charlie's interest. "You don't have to admit it but I know you do."

"Know I what?"

"Isn't it obvious? You like him Charlie."

"No." the actress immediately shook it off before continuing getting ready. "I can't. Not with co workers. There is just too much to risk."

"Oh come on!" Jennifer rose from the bed to lean against the bathroom frame. "You never open up to anyone like this. Even me?! All of a sudden you're letting all of this go in front of him? You can't tell me that there's nothing there."

"Of course there is something Jen. But the problem is that right now, in our career, there is nothing that I can possibly do about it."

"And why not?"

"Because, say things go bad. Then work would just be tense and awkward and totally uncomfortable for everyone around."

"Okay. But say things don't go wrong and you actually become happy for once?!"

"I am happy Jen!"

"No." Taking the mascara from Charlie's hand she slammed it on the counter. "You are pretending to be happy. There is a difference. Inside I know you are just tired of pretending but when he is around? It's different from me, Josh, Liam, Chris, Andy, and everyone else. When Thomas is around you are a different person!"

"What is your point Jen?" Charlie sighed crossing her arms and looking to her friend.

"Look. All I'm saying is don't push it away so fast. Sure I understand the whole work situation thing. But when this is all over will you promise me something?"

There was a slight hesitation in Charlie's form before she nodded her head yes.

Then, Jen continued. "Give it a try. At least once."

Charlie wanted to. She wanted to bad. But there were too many things that she had to experience. Too many things that she wanted to explore in this world before trying to settle down with anybody. But Thomas was Thomas. Never before this very moment had she really thought about the long run and who she was going to go through it with. With Thomas, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to share those experiences with. "Okay... I promise."

"Thank you!" Jen hollered before pulling out her phone. "Now hurry up. Liam and Josh got us coffees."

"They remember what we like?"

"Of course?! God knows that got it enough the past few years."

"I still think you and Josh would make the cutest couple." Charlie taunted before turning the light off and pushing past Jen.

"Oh please. We would never survive if we were together."

"Too much arguing?"

"No." Jen protested. "We'd just get in way too much trouble together."

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