How Real It Was To Me

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Walking to her jeep, Charlie kept her hands in the back pocket of her jeans as Sam strolled beside her. "I'm sorry about today sweety." He tried comforting her.

A long breath pulled from her lips knowing that he was talking about Thomas. "It's okay, things would just get weird at work anyway."

All of a sudden, her phone started to ring. Sam was going to tell her that it wouldn't be like this forever, that everything would fall into place. The way the two of them looked to one another, it was like two teenagers out of some horribly cheesy love movie. "Hello?" She answered seeing the collar ID as Will.

"Hey Charlie, do you have any ginger ale in your apartment?"

"Ugh no, I don't think so. Why?"

"Thomas is sick." He cut straight to the chase. "I took him back right after filming and it just turned bad. The guy can't keep anything down."

Waving a goodbye to Sam as they went off their separate ways she sat in her car and leaned back. "Well,  I'm just leaving the set now so I will stop at a store."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, no problem. Anything else?"

"Maybe crackers or something."

"Oh, I have crackers in my apartment. I'll go pick up some things then I'll be over. You should get home and get to bed."

"Want me to leave the door open?"

"No, I got a key. It's okay."

"Alright, I'll stay here until you get here."

"Okay, see you soon."




Tossing her phone into the cup holder, Charlie started the car and immediately took off to the nearest gas station. Luckily, seeing as it was pretty late, there weren't many people there. However, she still took the precaution and pulled a hoodie out from her backseat. Then, flipping the hood up and putting on her sunglasses she entered the store. Of course she was given some weird looks, but they would be thanking her if they understood.

It was a quick process. All she got were bottles of ginger ale, dry foods, and a few snacks for herself for the long night ahead of her. Sure the feelings she had for Thomas pounded deep in her chest, but over all he was still her friend. The feelings that she had for him couldn't get in the way of that. The cast, their group, their friends. It was all too important to her.

Once finally at the apartments, she was quick to make her way up the elevator and on their floor. Obviously the others were asleep. So, moving to her apartment she slipped inside and kicked off her shoes. Then, quickly changing out of her pants and shirt she pulled on a pair of pajama shorts and a loose T.

As soon as she was ready with her charger, blanket, and other items, Charlie was dashing across the hall and towards Thomas's room. There she slipped the key into the lock and stepped inside silently.

On the couch Will was watching TV. Somewhere in the background she could hear Thomas throwing up. "How long has he been like this?" She asked setting her things onto the counter.

Turning off the TV, Will stood to face her. "Ever since we got back."

"Alright well, I'm here. Go home, go to sleep."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, absolutely. We'll be fine."

Huffing, gently he nodded. "Alright. If you need me, just knock on my door yeah?"

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