Match Maker

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Laying on her bed, charlie watched the tv as Kaya sat beside her. The boys were out in the living room going about their own things socializing. Meanwhile, the girls kept to themselves.

Through the dim lighting, Charlie's eyes looked at the new frame to her father's flag. Thomas fixed her dress, her father's frame, he pieced it all back together. She owed him so much.

"Kaya?" She finally breathed.


She hesitated before speaking. "Thomas told me something today."

"His undying love to you?"

Charlie chuckled. "no no, not yet. "

"Then what is it?"

Swallowing hard, charlie sighed. "when did you get a boyfriend?"

This seemed to take Kaya off guard. "ugh, while you were gone. Why?"

"I just- have you guys been talking alot?"

She shrugged. "sort of, we started talking about a week ago. Figured give it a shot."

"Yeah I don't know Kaya. What does he do?"

"Hes a photographer. Its how we met actually."

Taking her friends arm firmly, charlie calmly spoke. "look Kaya... I know how these things go. I've had relationships before, and they don't go as planned."

"What do you mean?"

"I think you need someone who understands you Ky. This type of career. Youre away a lot with minimum communication."

"What are you getting at charlie?"

"Don't take this the wrong way. But I don't know how this new relationship might go."

"And what gives you the right to say that!?" Kaya sat up talking a little louder.

"I'm not trying to control your life Kaya, I just want you to be careful."

Rising to her feet, Kaya huffed. "I can handle myself charlie."

"It's not you I'm worried about. All I'm saying is be careful okay? I know all to well what it's like to get your heart broken. Its sucks, it hurts, and it cuts you deep. But if it does happen, just know you have plenty of people here willing to pick you back up."

Looking to her friend, Kaya squinted. "I feel like there's more to this."

"Of course there is Kaya, there is always something more. But the fun part is not knowing. I'm not saying toss this guy Kaya, if your happy, stay. But when it comes down to it, I just want you to worry about you. Need to beat someone up? I'm your girl."

Kaya chuckled wrapping her friend in a hug. "you'll always be my girl charlie. Even after you and thomas get married."

Rolling her eyes charlie pushed away Kaya. "don't be such a damn creep."

Together, they sat with smiles. "nah, just a match maker."


Thomas leaned against the bar as Zach opened another bottle. "so, Thomas." Zach started as the others remained in their own conversation in the background. "tell me a little about yourself."

"Well, ugh." He cleared his throat. "I'm from England originally. Mum, dad, sister. Started my acting career young with 'love actually'."

"So you know Andy?"

"Yes yes, we go way back."

"Cool, he's been great to charlie. They all have."

"She's a great girl, really. Everybody has to be."

"That reminds me." Zach took another drink. Then, setting it down he looked towards Thomas. "when we talked, which was very rare, she talked alot about you."


"She likes you Thomas. Alot. Just do me a favor?"

Thomas nodded. "don't fuck it up."

They both laughed. "I'll try not to."

"She's my older cousin, but I find myself looking out for her more rather than the other way around."

"Her family is very important to her, that I have noticed."

"Yeah? You have no idea."

"How so?"

Grinning, zach quirked his eyebrow and took a long sip. "you thought we were alike, wait till you meet the old man."

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