Million Dollar Question

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"are you sure this is such a good idea?" Thomas asked from the foot of her bed. Charlie remained in the bathroom getting ready. "I mean, it is getting late out and none of us are very familiar with the city."

"Relax Tommy!" She called back. "we'll all be together. And I already called the club, they know we are coming and so security is everywhere."

"Still though." He laid down and stared at the ceiling above him. "it's getting to and from the club I am concerned with love."

"Tommy." The door suddenly opened and out stepped charlie. Immediately looking over, he felt every muscle in his body stiffen. She was wearing a short black skirt. It wasn't tight, it was loose and flowy. On top however, was a tight short sleep top. There was a small sliver of exposed skin between her belly button and breasts. The golden blond locks that had grown so famous were curled to a tee and her makeup was sharp with a brown glaze over her eyes. "if it makes you less concerned." she continued while reached for her ankle high boots. "I won't be drinking tonight." Putting the first one on she grinned. "or at least getting drunk."

At first, he couldn't form the words. "you-." Her edgy blue eyes locked on his. "you ugh." Clearing his throat he rubbed his tired eyes. "why not?"

Once both were tied, she grabbed her phone and slid it into her waist band. "if there is anything I am known for Thomas, it's my self control in public. I don't plan on losing it either." Then searching for some money, she found it next to her night stand and tucked it next to her phone. "anyways, it's way more fun remembering the drinks than being one."

Balling his fists together, Thomas took a deep breath and rose facing her. "Just please, be careful."

With a smile on her face, she stood before Thomas and sighed. "I will. I swear. If you want, after the guys settle down and go to bed you can hang out in my room until we get back. I got movies, games, good stuff like that. You and dyl and Ki and will can all hang out. It'll be nice, you haven't for a few days."

Nodding, he took her room card and tucked it into his pocket. "sure. Thanks."

"No problem." Then, raising onto her toes, she grabbed his shoulder and pressed her lips to his cheek. "don't wait up."

Once gone, Thomas immediately felt his cheek cooling. Her absence was noticed. Then, as the door closed behind her, he sighed being left alone in her room. "I will.."


Music pounded against her ears as they entered the building. It was a dark room and smelled of liquor and sweat. But overall, charlie knew that this was the right place. Tiled floors lit up with the beat, lamps and lasers swayed back and forth as people grinded against one another to the music.

"Alright!" Charlie hollered over the blaring noise to the circled girls. "nobody leaves the club unless in groups and we tell the others!"

"Sounds good." Scarlett nodded.

"Whose on babysitting duty?" Lauren smiled.

Immediately, Jennifer responded. "charlie has that covered! Trust me."

"Alright!" The blond smiled towards her friends. "go crazy, have fun!"

And just like that, the women were off in all different directions.


Sliding the lock button on her phone back and forth, charlie passed the time by sipping on her drink and watching the minutes tick by. Scarlett, Lauren, and Emily all went back to the hotel about an hour ago. One by one the others dwindling away as well. All that was left now was Charlie and Jennifer. She knew it would be down to the two in the end anyways, they were always the party animals. Its just charlie tried to never do it in public places.

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