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Dylan and Kaya crashed on the couch while Thomas, Ki, and Will made makeshift beds on the floor.

The night went by without a hitch. At first charlie thought that it would be a slightly awkward situation, but they were all so welcoming. Dylan was definitely the most outgoing but the other boys weren't that far behind. Kaya seemed like a wildcard when you got her going, so she would surely enjoy being with Jen.

One thing that not many knew about Charlie was the fact that she wasnt big on sleep. Hasn't been since about 6 years old. So here she was alone pacing throughout the apartment picking up after her new friends.

Thomas was sound asleep passed out against Will. But a slight shuffling from in the room awoke him from his blissful sleep.

The room was dark and relaxing. At first he didn't know where he was but after so long he pinned it as Charlie's. If the decor wasnt enough, surely seeing her in the kitchen was.

The girl was standing before the counter folding blankets and unpacking boxes. They seemed to be kitchen utensils like cups, plates, and things like that.

With a confused look on his face, Thomas reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. 4:24, 4:24 in the morning? What was she still doing up?

With a slight groan Thomas pushed the blanket from his body and rose to his feet. Cracks sounded in each knee as he stood and stretched his arms above his head. Charlie didn't look to him once, the headphones in her ear must have accounted for the fact that she couldn't hear him wake.

Thomas stepped forward careful of his next drowsy move. As soon as he approached the counter though she spun and jumped locking eyes with him. Instantly her hand flew to her chest in a panic and pulled out her headphones. "Holy shit Thomas you scared the shit out of me... Again!" She chuckled at the end.

Smiling and rubbing his eyes he motioned to the clock. "Sorry, but love what are you still doing up?"

Setting the rag against the counter she turned to face the clock and shrugged back towards him. "Ugh...I was actually just about to go and get you guys some breakfast. Figured scope out the town a little bit too before it gets too crowded."

A slightly uneasy feeling churned within Thomas's stomach, but he pushed it down and looked over his shoulder to his sleeping friends. "Alright then, let's go."


"You want to know the city, come on I'll show you." He smiled kindly walking towards the door to grab his shoes.

Charlie just leaned against the cabinet smiling towards the Britt. His hair was in all sorts of different directions, eyes drooping slightly from tiredness.

But, seeing his determination Charlie bit her lip and grabbed her jacket, shoes, wallet, and car keys. Once back in the living room she could see Thomas waiting by the door with his scarf around his neck and jacket pulled tight. "You ready?"

"I take it im driving?" She smiled towards him.

"Well that depends if you want to get on the back of the bike."

"Maybe another time." She smiled stepping through the door he opened for her. Together the two made their way down the hall and to the lift. "So, where are we going exactly?"

"Ugh..." He grunted hitting the down arrow for the elevator. "Well there is this small diner that makes take out. We can go there, there's a coffee shop next to it."

"You know how to drive stick?" He Rose her eyebrow towards him.

Thomas just nodded pulling out his phone. "Yeah, my dad taught me."

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