Glasses Off

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Charlie sat back in her chair with her headphones in and sunglasses on. Her agent didn't know why she did it, but ever flight she tried to find the right person. Of course Charlie would get first class tickets, but never did she honestly use them. Instead, she would walk into coach, find someone who she thought looked like they needed a boost, and handed them over.

Today her eyes caught ahold of an elderly couple. Shaky limbs scrounging to get into their seats. Instead, she grabbed their bags for them and smiled. Next thing she knew, her agent and herself were taking their seats as the flight attendant showed the elders to their seats.

Soon enough her headphones were in her computer and she was calling her grandfather on Skype. They talked for a short while about the same old same old, but as soon as they said their goodbyes, so he could sleep, her phone lit up notifying her of a Snapchat. It was from Kaya.

How's the flight? A picture of Kaya herself filled her screen.

Flipping the camera to face her legs she extended them over the arm rest of the seat ahead of her and snapped a pick of her legs and the filled plane. Nerve wrecking but overall good

Waiting for a response she plugged in Her headphones and pressed shuffle on her song list. The first was one of her home friends favorites, addicted by City J.R.

Her phone flashed again. Are you in coach?!?! It was a picture of both Kaya and Will looking shocked.

flipping the camera to face herself she looked at her sunglasses, baseball hat, and hoodie that was covering her identity. More like in cognito ha-ha.

Almost immediately after the responses began flooding in. Why??

I gave this old couple my seat.

Awwgghh cute! This time Dylan and Kaya were taking a selfie. Of course, Charlie took a screenshot.

So how's filming?

Waiting for a response suddenly she got a new notification. Actually, a lot of notifications. More people added her on Snapchat. Dylan, Thomas, and Will. She added them and each sent her a hey, or Hi, or how's the flight? Eventually though, everyone had to go. That left Charlie to herself and her music.

Every now and again, Thomas would send her random snaps almost like he was hiding it. Like of his boots, or pants, or pictures of the set. How long until you land?

Looking at her watch Charlie huffed. She would have asked Rebecca, but just like normal she was out cold. It had been four hours since they took off.  About three more hours.

That sucks, I hate flying.

Really? I don't mind it, just bored:/

Hmm:/ I know how to amuse you!  This time he sent a picture of his face having the brightest smile ever. It made her chuckle.

Yeah and how's that?

Selfie contest! A picture of him and the rest of the crew appeared on her phone and it made her grin.

Quickly, she snapped a picture of her and the out cold Rebecca next to her. No fair, my crew is outcold!

It took a while for him to respond. He must have had to shoot another scene. So, to pass the time she texted the others. Chris, Jen, Josh, her hometown friends. Norman was on his own flight back home so he was the quickest to respond to her. Pointless conversations took place for the next three hours, and every time her phone buzzed she felt an annoying hope growing in the pits of her stomach. She wanted each one to be Thomas.

Of course not all of them were, but she still had her hopes. He was slow, but it was understandable.

Eventually, with 20 minutes left on her flight she sat back and closed her eyes. As soon as she landed she would have to go to set. Inside she was exhausted, but no matter how hard she tried inside she knew that she wouldn't get any sleep. At most three hours, but it was better than anything. Jet leg was going to be a pain tonight, but she would embrace it with loose sweatpants, spandex, and trust old sports bra.

Soon enough the plane touched down and Charlie grabbed their bags before waking Rebecca up. The woman did a lot for Charlie, she deserved as much sleep as possible. Eventually though, she had to be woken up. "Rebecca." Charlie shook her lightly. Immediately the woman shot up and glared at Charlie. "We're here, come on I already got the bags."

With a groan the agent was following her client down and out of the airplane. Of course the pop. Was there with their cameras and all their questions. But with her hoot up, hat down, and sunglasses on she kept her distance and blended with the crowds of people.

The air port was chaotic; both crowded and loud, but pushing through the bodies she found herself entering Rebecca's car as she started the engine. "Alright, let's get you back to set."

Nodding Charlie laid back in her seat making sure her sunglasses were firmly pressed against her face. It was silent for the longest time, her blue Prius weaving in and out of the crowded streets.

"You okay?" Rebecca asked worryingly over her right shoulder. Charlie just kept her eyes out the window.

"Yeah, I'm good. Think it's just jet leg."

"You sure? I can call Wes and tell him you're not feeling good."

"No, no, don't do that. It's okay, I'm fine. Just gotta get out and stretch. Anyway he already scheduled the photoshoot today with the markings. It's all set up I can't ruin it."

A long breath drew from Rebecca's lips as they pulled onto the exit for the set. "I don't know how you do it kid."

"Rebecca, don't start this again..."

"I can't help it. I hate seeing you like this! You're always so exhausted, seriously take a vacation."

Charkies voice was low. "A vacation wont help Rebecca, nothing does."

Double taking what she said, Rebecca nodded and kept her mouth shut the rest of the way. Eventually they reached the back doors to the set and Rebecca sighed. "Just take it easy Charlie, please. I worry about you because I care."

Charlie gave her a soft smile. "I know, and thank you." Pulling one another into a hug, they drifted away as Charlie stepped out of the car and waved goodbye as Rebecca drove off.

With a long breath Charlie adjusted her glasses once more before pushing open the gates, passed the security guard, and entered the building. Laughter and hollers reached her ears as she watched the scene before her.

The boys and Kaya were laughing hysterically at Dylan whom was on the ground as if he had tripped. Charlie couldn't help but chuckle herself as she stuffed her hands into her coat pockets.

Wes was first to catch site of her. Quickly he approached her side. "Charlie, you made it back great! Let's get you to your trailer and dressed huh."

Smiling kindly she nodded, "sounds good."

Wes planted his hand across her back and guided her forward across the set. Through her sunglasses she looked to the others as they didn't even notice her. None of them did, except for Thomas. A quick glance was sent her way observing the movement to his right. However, seeing her figure he took a double take and her eyes locked in his from behind the sunglasses. He must have recognized her outfit from the snapchats.

Giving him a kind smile Charlie was cut short of any other contact as she entered the trailer yard and walked straight to her own. There, Sam was waiting outside with his foot against the side and a grin on his face. In one hand was something that she wanted nothing more than, a cup of coffee. "My god I love you." She smiled taking it in as Wes went back to his set.

"I know, now come on, let's get you inked."

A chuckle pushed past her dry lips as Sam opened the door for her. "Not your best line, but not bad."

"Really? I had been thinking of it for the past hour!" She smiled again and entered the trailer. Same closed the door behind him and as soon as they were alone, he dropped his smile. "Alright Sanders, glasses off."

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