this was her family

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This was it, their last day of filming. The reality hadn't truly hit anyone until this moment now. The final scenes before the end of the movie. Tomorrow? They would all be heading their separate ways.

Between each movie was going to be a long, hard break, but everyone promised to stay in contact. Deep down though, Charlie knew that saying goodbye to Thomas was going to be the worst. Their fling had grown stronger and stronger through filming, but she knew awfully well that it wasn't strong enough to last over the break just yet. Tomorrow she would have to say goodbye, and the way he was going to take it was a mystery to her.

"You guys ready?" Wes asked.

Charlie sat on the couch promptly. The ending scenes consisted of the others, she had already filmed her last scene before. They would just use her recordings as her place for now. The last time the audience would hear her voice would be over audio.

However, it was the very last time some of the others would be on set. The biggest loss in her eyes though, was Will. His character is killed off in the first novel, so this will be his last scene for good.

Will let out a sigh and nodded. "Suppose so."

Quickly, the others took their places eager to begin. Watching everyone work, her heartstrings were pulled. This would be the last day the entire cast and crew would be together for a long time... it was an image she would remember for the long haul. Dylan shrieking like his normal self, Kaya rolling her eyes at him, Thomas rolling his eyes at his friend, kind joining alongside dylan, and will trying to keep them in control. This was her family.

"How you taking it kid?" Sam asked sitting next to her.

Scooting over to give him more room, Charlie turned her head towards him with a smile. "About as well as all the other times"

"So you know that it'll all come back."

Huffing, she looked forward to will. "Not all of us"

Sam reached forward and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I have a feeling that he'll be around a little more than you think charlie."

"I hope so... guys kind of the sanity of the group."

"I don't think so sweetheart..." locking eyes he gave her a warm smile. "I think you got that role day one."

Both chuckled as everyone took their places. "Speaking of first day-" Charlie smiled standing up. "I think I'm due for a little payback."


Wrapping up the last scene, everyone hugged and applauded."great job guys. Overall everything. Thank you, you were fantastic. "

"I can't believe it's over!" Kaya hollered hugging her boys.

"I know." Ki agreed. "This sucks."

Dylan let the hug last a little bit longer with Kaya. "The good thing is though, we'll all be together in a few months for the premiere."

"DYLAN O'BRIEN" Charlie's voice rang out across the entire set. Slowly, they all turned towards it. Within a second dylan was sprinting across the set and away from her. "Paybacks a bitch!"

Everyone watched in a crying laughter while the woman chased her friend in hot pursuit. And in her hand was the one thing that started it all, a paintball gun.

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