God Damn Adorable

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Closing her eyes, charlie shook her head in disbelief. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

Adjusting the safety strap, bear chuckled. "you volunteered to go first."

"You're heavier. If it's breaking, it's gonna break with you. This way, at least I'll be at the bottom to drag your broken ass out of here." Straddling the line, she glanced downwards at the bottom of the cliff. They had to propel themselves downwards, it was the only way to get down alive.

"Alright..." she grunted adjusting her foot placement. "Just gotta go for it I guess."

Laying on his stomach to lower her down, bear held onto the harness. "don't even think about it."

"Don't even think about it." She mocked. "sure. Sure. Fucking wild ass looking mother fucker." She hissed under her breath as she took the first hop. "clear you're head, it'll be fun she said."

Each hop and curse she got lower and lower to the ground. "this is god damn adorable."

Eventually, about halfway down, she heard bear. "hey Charlie!"

"What!?" Her sass flooded through.

He just chuckled. "looking good."

The only answer he got in return was a middle finger. Each hop got her lower to the ground, until eventually she could hear a slight Russel from above. At first she thought it was just bear, but when he called her name for real, she knew something was wrong.

Above, a large clump of dirt and thick mud began sliding.

It just made Charlie go faster. But once it began to catch up, she held her breath and timed it. Then, with a burst of energy, she pushed herself from the cliff edge as the dirt and mud showered down.


"Cut!" Wes called making everyone stop. Together, the group looked to him. "I just got word on Charlie!" This got everyone's attention. "apperantly something went wrong."

Without another word they were alll crowding around the nearest tv. There, they watched as Charlie hung in the air. "what happened?" Kaya asked.

She was caught in her own line, feet in the air as she fought to keep it straight. "mud slide." Rebecca mumbled. "I think she's okay, but her lines caught. "

"Can you grab that tree?" Bear yelled down to her.

Charlie just looked at the upside down world. Her skin was caked in dirt and eyes squinting. "I don't know who the hell you think I am." Clearly she was strained. "but I'm about to Gabby Douglas the shit out of this."

Swinging her legs forward she righted herself for a split second before kicking off the wall. Once air born, she grabbed the nearest branch and held on tight. "son of a bi***"

"Keep your legs straight!" Bear hollered.

Charlie just laughed though. "yes coach. Just give me a damn knife, the gear is locked." That is where the cable had to have been mixed up. In order to fix herself, she needed to pry it open.

"Where is yours?"

"I lost it somewhere in my acrobatic routine! Just toss me yours!"

"Toss it?!"

"She's an idiot." Rebecca chuckled. "gonna get herself stabbed.

"Yes toss it!" With a shake of his head, bear unsheathed his knife. "in the sheath bear!"

Nodding, he laughed. "makes more sense."

Then, holding it above her, he dropped the knife and it spiraled towards her. With one hand, she reached four and grabbed it while the other remained on the tree. Using her mouth to hold the sheath, she jammed it into the gear and was happy to see it set loose.

Within seconds she was upright and holding onto the tree. Then, using the branches, she made her way down with ease.

As soon as her feet hit the ground she nodded. "alright cupcake, you're turn!"

"She's crazy." dylan laughed.

Thomas just sighed. However, Ki slapped his shoulder. "good thing you love crazy huh?"

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