Meeting the Grievers

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"Alright!" Wes's voice echoed through the crowd of people. Immediately Thomas, Charlie, Dylan and the others all turned towards their director. "Today we are going to be shooting Finn and Rose's scenes." Looking towards her coworker, Charlie nodded and took set. "Charlie, Thomas? I want you two up on the tower to start with." They had filmed that scene yesterday. The heartfelt conversation between their two characters showed to a new perspective to the movie and the maze. However, their conversation was going to be cut off.

Once up the ladder, Thomas turned helping Charlie up the rest of the way. Behind them, the cameras all took their place as they sat down together on the ledge. The sunset barely peeked over the set wall making the mood for the night scenes to come.

"Charlie, when you go." Wes walked up next to them. "I want you hesitating to go down the ladder. Thomas, take your time. Remember Newt has a limp." The actor beside her nodded. "Then, Charlie, turn towards the tree and climb down that."

Charlie chuckled biting her lip.

Obviously Wes saw her worry. "Don't worry, we have a stunt double if you don't want to do it."

Immediately she waved him off. "No, no. I am doing it. Always done my own stunts, not gonna stop now."

"Sam told me you would say that." He smiled. "Okay, as soon as you hear Ki and the others screaming, take action. Cameras will be rolling for whenever you go."

Both nodded as Wes walked away.

Then, facing one another they smiled. "You ready?" His eye brow rose motioning towards the tree to his right.

"Oh yeah." She breathed with a grin. "It'll be fun."


Newt smiled towards the girl setting his plate beside him. Then as he sat back he placed his hand downwards to support herself, accidentally however placing it onto of her smaller hand.

Instantly she pulled back, it wasn't his fault. In all honesty she was just not the type of person who like other people touching her. Something about it made her skin crawl, like every time it happened a memory would flood back into her mind. And even though she couldn't fully grasp it, she knew that is was not good.

At first Newt looked offended by the way that she had pulled back. However, it seemed as if he had forced himself to understand.

Suddenly through the silence there was a screaming over by the wall. Both of their eyes stared at the panting figures outside the door. Together they rose to their feet in a panic. "Shank, come on." He began to climb down the ladder at a slower pace than she could. Her guess, his leg. She could see the limp that he had, it wasn't bad but it was noticeable. So turning she leapt off the edge grabbing ahold of a tree branch and swung herself branch by branch to the ground. Newt looked at her as she beat him to the ground. She just shrugged off his stare and began running with him towards the opening.

The two collided side by side with Alby and Galley as they approached the wall. There, seven runners stood breathing heavy. "What happened?" Galley yelled to them.

Minho tried to catch his breath only earning demands for answers by Galley. Finally he was able to respond. "The Grievers, they separated us, we made it back but Finn. We don't know where he is" They were all soaked with sweat, some even with blood. The stretch of the Maze was empty as she stared down it. There couldn't have possibly been much time left before the doors closed. Her and Newt had been up in that tower for quite some time. Almost as if on cue the doors began to slide closed.

Panic took over everyone. Finn, he was still inside. Nobody knew what to do, but then out of nowhere the boy began to round the corner dashing as fast as he could. "FINN HURRY!" Newt called from behind her. She jumped slightly at his voice, but when she looked around her heart somewhat sank.

They were all heart-broken as they stared forward. She took a deep breath, "he isn't going to make it."

Others spoke upwards beside her "He wouldn't make it overnight in the maze, nobody has!" Panic had everyone in its tight grasp, everyone but her.

"Come on Finn come on" Minho begged.

Taking a deep breath she knew what she had to do, they were wrong. Somebody has made it countless nights in the maze, and that somebody was her. She knew what she had to do.

"I have" she whispered, immediately she turned towards Newt.

"What?" he asked.

"I've made it." She clarified again.

"No you can't" Newt looked towards her grabbing her arm holding her in place next to him.

She just smiled slightly towards him, the plan running through her mind the very second she spoke to him. "Watch me."

With a grunt, she ripped her arm out of Newt's grasp and sprinted forwards past all the boys. By now all of the boys yelled for her to come back. She could especially hear the voice of Newt pleading for her not to go through with it.

It was easy to tell that he ran after her, but Galley and Alby, they held him back tackling the poor Brit to the ground. Before she knew it, she was squeezing through the closing door once again; and as soon as she made to the other side it was just like before, the door closed behind her.

Dust fell around her from the door's force. The yells of the boys on the other side echoed around them. Finn stood before her in the night air in a panic, breath ripping from his lungs. "What are you doing, are you crazy?" He hissed. "Do you want to die?"

"Do you?!" she silenced him rising to her feet. "If you do I mean go ahead, be my guest and wait here. But if you want to make it through the night and back to your friends you follow me, do not ask questions, and do not speak. Just stay on my ass." She hissed and immediately took off away from the opening to the door. Finn sending a questionable look between her and the door before giving into his senses and began following behind her.

"And scene!" Wes yelled from behind the cameras. Rose and the actor of Finn were already around the corner of the constructed Maze. As soon as they were back, they both peeked around the corner with a smile on their faces.

"Did we do it right?" Charlie asked innocently with a smile.

Wes walked up to them both and threw his arms around them. "You did it perfectly you guys. Let's do one more take just for editing purposes, then move on. Tonight is going to be a rough night for you too. Especially you Mrs. Sanders."

"Why?" The two asked simultaneously.

"Because!" he sighed. "Tonight is the night both of your characters meet the Grievers."

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