The Big Meatball

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The soft static of the familiar fabric crackled beneath her rolling head. With each stretch, her eyes seemed to cringe together pushing away the need for more sleep. As they cracked open, her eyes caught sight of the bright shimmering sunlight that peeked through the window. It was a slow process, but eventually she was turning to her left and throwing her feet over the edge of the bed. They immediately met with the cool surface of the dark hard wood floor, sunlight shimmering off of it's glossy appearance. 

As soon as she was sitting up, the cool air flooded against her skin. It was a weird temperature change, one that she normally would not wake up to. 

Turning to look over her shoulder in confusion, what she saw instantly made her heart skip a beat. There, next to her, was Thomas. He was still asleep, hair wild in all directions as his head remained tilted away from her. 

A wave of nerves washed over her, but after some thinking she remembered why Thomas was here. Why he fell asleep in her apartment. But that is when the realization hit her. Charlie slept through the night. For once in so long, Charlie actually got a full nights sleep. 

As the smile worked its way across her lips, she shook her head and rolled her eyes. Of course he was right... 

Standing at a slow pace, Charlie tried to be as quiet as she possibly could be. Her knees cracking at first rise, but after so long she was fine. The woman was quick to get dressed, get her money, and get out. It was the least she could do, he got her to sleep, most of all he got her to sleep through the night. That never happened, but thanks to him it did. 


Making it back into the apartment, Charlie hung up the phone with her grandfather and closed the door behind her. Not only did she pick up break est for herself and Thomas, but she picked up break fest for everyone else as well. She sent out a group message saying that when they woke up, they could come over. 

A wave of happiness crashed over her seeing Thomas still asleep in her bed. It gave her a feeling, a feeling that she didn't want to admit she had. Men had spent the night in her place before, but this one was different. With Chris is was funny, there was no nerves, he was a friend. Along with Norman, Andy, Robert, Josh, Liam, and all other Chris's. There was no hard feelings with anything. But with Thomas, with Thomas she got a new feeling. 

It was warm, it was comforting, and with every second she had it, she couldn't help but smile. 

Using the balls of her toes, Charlie made her way across the room and stood next to Thomas. He was absolutely adorable when he slept, just by the way his hair was off in every direction. It made her chuckle. With that, she approached his side and reached her hands outwards to gently shake him awake. "Thomas..." There was nothing. "Thomas wake up." 

All he got in response was a groan, his deep morning voice pleading for her to leave him be. Charlie smiled again shaking her head at his childish behavior. "Come on." she whined. "I even went and got you break fest." 

Almost instantly, his hand shot outwards and grabbed her wrist. She was pulled off her feet and onto the other side of the bed. "No, you're supposed to be sleeping. So sleep." He groaned. 

Charlie rolled her eyes. "I did sleep thanks to you Tommy. It's nine in the morning." 

This seemed to wake him up. "Dear god you did!" He smiled as Charlie began working her way back to her knees. 

"Yes, way to go Romeo. Now come on, I got you break fest as a thank you! The other's will be over soon." Working her way back across the bed, she ended up kneeling above him. 

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