Heart Of Gold

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"Kaya?!" Charlie screamed dashing forward. Immediately everyone turned in shock to see her. All of the boys had the biggest smiles on their faces, Ki nearly in tears. "Turn that off!"

Dylan's expression changed to a panic. "No!" With one leap, he was in the air and tackling her to the ground. "This is something we must see!"

"No! It's not come on!" Struggling against him, she tried breaking free but soon enough Ki was helping his friend. She was rendered useless, all while the others basked in her past glory. It was her scene, the scene that made her famous in the movie. Mike's best childhood friend. The night she was challenged, the night she became a part of the show.

This scene was never something she intended to promote. It wasn't something that she enjoyed her younger viewers recognizing her from, but it was one of the first big roles that she had. "You guys suck." Her words were murmured as Dylan pushed her face into the floor.

"Yeah?" He didn't take his eyes off of the screen. "And you are a GREAT dancer."

"That isn't dancing." She tried escaping again. Feeling him move slightly, she got an idea. "And dancing was never my thing. But fighting is." Twisting her leg upwards, she wrapped it around his neck and flipped him over. Ki was sent backwards at her movement along with Dylan.

As soon as she was free, Charlie went straight for Kaya.

The woman took off seeing her friend in hot pursuit. Together, each raced around the house, Kaya more so for her life. Once she caught her though, Charlie had her pinned to the staircase. "Why would you do this to me?" Charlie laughed screaming downwards.

Neither could really take one another seriously. So, with a booming laugh, Kaya let her hair crowd her face. There was no response other than the sounds of drowning laughter, meanwhile the boys just debated what show to watch.

Eventually though, climbing off of Kaya Charlie turned off the TV. "Any chance we can have you remake that scene?" Dylan pouted like a little boy.

With a roll of the eyes, she swatted his head and moved towards the kitchen. "Not a chance O'brien. Never again."


"Nope, they have asked me before. That my friend, was a one time thing."

Sam poured her a drink and handed it over with a smile. "It's why she doesn't dance."

As soon as she downed the drink, she cut him off. "Not true. I don't dance, because I cant. That-" She pointed towards the screen. "Is not dancing."

"But you can sing!" Will tried to counter.

Immediately, Charlie's laughter faded as everyone carried forward with the topic. Thomas saw her mood change instantly. And from behind the counter, Sam slid his hand over Charlie's.

"I can." She mumbled pouring another drink. "But I don't."

"Why not though Charlie?" Kaya joined in with the guys' taunts. "You totally could! This movie could be a hit just based on that song."

"Yeah well" She shook her head. "It's not going to. I told Wes I didn't want to, but it was part of the script." Instantly everyone could tell her mood change. They all silenced, no more laughing, no more taunting. The hurt in her face was real. "I don't like it."

Biting his tongue, Dylan pushed through a quiet gritted mouth. "If it helps you're really good."

A long breath drew from her lips. Taking her hand away from Sam's, she walked around the counter and towards the others. "A lot of people are good at certain things. I didn't ask for this one."

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