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Charlie thought to herself quietly most of the night. Everyone talked over dinner, the Maze Runner cast amazed at the turn out of comic con. Then stories were swapped back and forth in fits of laughter. However, after eating, charlie was absolutely thrilled to get back into her hotel room.

As the night went on though, she found herself tossing and turning in her bed. There was no way she was sleeping tonight, not with everything on her mind.

Her constant thoughts turned into constant paces, which then turned into a shower. By the time she looked at her phone for the time, it was already 1:47. Luckily she could sleep in tomorrow, but not too late. This was her favorite time of year, and she wasn't going to sleep it away.

An ache in her chest started to develop though. Something she was familiar with flooded her veins. The aches were soon coming. It wasn't the best time for it, especially around all of her friends. And with everything on her mind fromt he earlier events, she was afraid it was going to keep her up the rest of the night.

Gradually, leaning against the bathroom counter, she looked into the mirror. Flash after flash filled her vision as memories of that night flooded into her mind.

"Honey slow down." Her mother breathed through the pain.

Charlie didn't know what to think, she was to young. People honked and hollered at her father, but there was no stopping him. The man was on a mission.

Next thing she knew, an impact crashed against her door and her head was jerked to the side.

As soon as it happened, she was in a different room. It was white, bright, clean, and sanitized. The worst part though, she was alone.

Her little bare feet stuck to the cool tiled floor beneath her. Beeps filled the silence, vents pumped in fresh vents, and voices sounded from the other side of the door.

Seeing a bathroom ahead, charlie stepped forward with a shaking breath. Then, as the door creaked open she flipped on the light and glanced at the mirror...

That is when it all went to hell. Her face was scratched, bruised, half of her head shaved clean and stitches lined her left temple.

Stepping back from the mirror, charlie let out a breath and looked away. She wasn't that little girl anymore...

That little girl was afraid, but more importantly that little girl was alone.

Swallowing down the emotion in her throat, she quickly turned off the light and went to her bed. There, she slipped on her sweatshirt and stormed out of her room.

She didn't stop once to think where she was going because her body seemed to be taking control all together. Before she had time to protest, her bare feet were standing outside the carpet of the room before her and her hand was knocking against the door.

It was silent. The nervousness in her stomach built with ever waking second, so she tried it again. Nothing.

With a tired breath, charlie dropped her head in defeat and leaned against the door. In a ball, with her back to the wall, she pulled her knees to her chest and closed her eyes.

Charlie left her own key in her room along with her phone. If she wanted to get back in, she would need Jen in the morning.


A knock pulled thomas from his sleep. At first, he didn't know if it was real. Looking over to the clock he stared at the digital numbers in disgust. 2:08.

He thought it must have been a dream, so closing his eyes he threw his arm over his head and closed his eyes once again. Suddenly though, the echo travelled across the room again.

This time he knew it wasn't his imagination.

Taking the blankets off of his body, he swung his legs over the bed and put his head in his hands. With each rub, he tried wiping away the sleep from his eyes.

Then, rising to his feet, Thomas shutter feeling the cool air against his bare chest.

Gradually making his way towards the door, he switched on the lamp and took a breath. Glancing through the peep hole, he was surprised to see the hallway empty.

His instincts told him to open it, to look. So, he grabbed the handle and pulled it open. Immediately, he was glad that he did. Seeing her curled form outside his room, panic rushed through him as he crouched in front of her. "charlie, charlie love what's wrong?"

She looked up at him. Without words, charlie wrapped her arms around his neck and threw herself into him.

Thomas let out a breath knowing immediately what was wrong. "Alright." He whispered moving one of his hands down to the bottom of her thigh. In one movement, he had her in the air and her legs were wrapped around him.

Kicking the door closed behind him, Thomas made his way to the bed and laid her down. Soon, he was crawling on right next to her and turning the light off. "go to sleep Charlotte..."

Curling on her side, charlie threw her arm over his chest and wrapped her legs around his one. With a long intake of breath, thomas was pulling her as close as possible and shutting off the light.

Charlie didn't sleep at first. She couldn't... so, staring into the dark room she spoke, not caring once whether or not Thomas was still awake.

"Dad was driving." She spoke in pure monotone. "Mom was pregnant..." Thomas adjusted slightly showing he was awake. "she went into labor... we were on our way to the hospital. Dad was in a panic, wasn't paying attention." Sniffling and grabbing him tighter she breathed. "Mom told him to slow down... but he just wouldn't. Then he turned back to talk to me... I don't know what he was going to say, he never got it out. We ran a red light, and the semi hit me and my moms side." Hearing her words, Thomas held his breath. "next thing I know, I'm being pulled out of the car. The ambulance came and loaded me into the back. They were talking to me, asking me questions. But all I could hear was my dad. He kept calling to mom, but she never called back. They loaded him into the ambulance beside me and left. I remember laying down and looking out the window. The car was a complete wreck. But I was more focused on the paramedics. They kept walking from my mom's side. One with her arm... another had her leg. The next thing I know another it going towards her with a white sheet. But that's when they pulled away.." by now she was crying, but silently. Charlie was done sobbing over this. "When we got to the hospital, I remember hearing my dad again. He was screaming by now, but they took us in different directions... he died of eternal bleeding twenty minutes later... mom died on impact, and so did the baby. It was going to be a boy. I was going to have a baby brother. He'd be seventeen this year."

Keeping as tight of a hold on her he could manage, Thomas blinked away the wetness that was clouding over his sight. Then, sliding down, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest.

There, charlie completely broke. Her hands pulled to her chest and the tears flowed. With every sob, her body trembled. He wouldn't let her go, he couldn't.

Tear by tear, charlie cried herself out to the point of where she was unresponsive to him. Her trembles evened out and her breaths became long and slow. Thomas stayed up, watching, waiting, searching for any sign that she would be up soon. However, it seemed that she was out for the rest of the night.

So, settling himself more comfortably, he closed his eyes feeling her breath skip down his chest. The smell of her hair, the scent of her skin lingered upwards and into his nostrils. Everything about her captivated him. She was beautiful, kind, hurt, but strong. In the end though, through their long journey together, he knew that there was one thing he was surely going to make her. His.

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