The Life of a Celeb.

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Sitting on the nearby bench, Charlie laced and unlaced her boots in order to keep her busy. They were done with filming for the day, so now came the photoshoot.

As she sat alone though, her mind couldn't help but wander back to a specific scene. After she lunged through the opening of the maze Thomas, who played Newt, was supposed to be right there. Together they clashed against the ground, herself on top of him. It was supposed to be an awkward scene between their characters, but locking eyes with Thomas she practically became putty in his hands. His brown eyes melted her heart.

Leaping through the Maze doors her body tackled Thomas's and both of them fell to the ground. Wes called for them to stay in that position for a while, her head against his chest and his hands widening across her back. He held her firmly against him. But the way that her legs tangled between his, she swore her heart was going to burst from her chest.

Finally though, she got the cue to push up and away from him.

Quickly she was in a push up form and staring down into Thomas's eyes. Charlie froze, all of her lines slipped from her memory. The world seemed to slow down; so, she continued to stare. Every inch that his hand covered on her leather layered back tingled, muscles tightening in nervousness.

Finally though, his pink full lips parted as the warm breath skipped across her face. Charlie stared down at his dirty pale skin. "Are you okay love?"

The boys all lined in front of the Maze doors for their pictures. Meanwhile, Kaya came back to sit beside Charlie. It was silent at first, everyone listening to the photographer's instructions. Eventually though, Kaya leaned over and whispered in Charlie's ear. "He keeps staring."

Instantly Charlie was confused. "What?" Her eyebrows furrowed "Who?"

Nodding her head in his direction, Kaya motioned to Thomas. "Sangster."

As soon as Charlie looked to him, Thomas was turning away sharpily to talk with Dylan. "Nah..."

"Nah?" Kaya smiled. "Don't deny it."

Charlie just shrugged. "I don't pay attention to stuff like that Kaya..."

"You should start..."

"Oh please!" Charlie chuckled.


"Who was the one snuggling up against O'Brien last night Kayaaaaa?." Charlie teased poking Kaya in the side. Immediately her face blushed and she quieted down. "Score one, Sanders."

"Charlie! Let's get your shots in, your agent called and your flight leaves in three hours!" A panicked look spread across Charlie's face as she rose to her feet moving towards the photographer. "Alright let's get Dylan and Charlie together first."

"Flight?" Dylan asked with the others behind him.

"Yeah, I have an interview about the Walking Dead in Georgia." She muttered taking Dylan's side.

"You gonna be back in time for tomorrow?"

"You guys will be wrapping up the photoshoot so yeah, I'll be back by the afternoon."

"The life of a celeb." Dylan chuckled as they took their spots.

Smiling looking at her feet she shrugged. "Eh, it ain't all bad."

She had taken pictures with Dylan, Will, Kaya, Ki, and simply herself. Finally, it was her and Thomas. Seeing as Newt and Rosanne played love interests, she already knew the images were going to be slightly... Weird. However, it was just a part of the job.

"Alright Thomas I want you behind Charlie" the photographer stepped forward positioning them. Once Thomas was shoved up against Charlie though, both seemed to blush. Next the photographer placed his hand on her left hip. "Alright now Charlie I want you drawing your bow, aim it at the camera and Thomas I want you looking out past the camera along side her." Both nodded in understanding as the photographer pushed her back end up against his front.

Snapshot after snapshot was taken but all they could really focus on was how tightly pressed together they were. That and the suspicious glares their friends were shooting them from behind the camera as well. "Alright, now Charlie I want you down in a crouched position in front of Thomas. And you-" he motioned to Thomas tugging on his sleeve. "Almost to the side of her with the machete. Sanders you're looking for tracks." Together they once again nodded in understanding.

Time went by and more and more pictures were taken. A confidence and comfortability formed between the two. Hell if they were going to be playing the love interest of one another, they needed to have a connection together.

The last picture however, that was what made both of their breaths hitch. Fake tears were needed in Charlie's eyes, Thomas's finger under her chin. They were two kids in love in an apocalyptic world, but they just didn't know it yet. Both stayed still as the woman got different angles. As time went by, they kept getting closer. Her blue orbs staring into his brown as Thomas rested his large hands both under her chin and on her side.

Eventually though, they were released. "Alright! We'll get some group pictures then Charlie we'll take the markings tomorrow when you get back!" Wes commanded.

"Sounds good." She agreed stepping away from Thomas gradually. Instantly, away from one another, they could feel the absence of the other's heat. A deep swallow trailed down her throat and her fists clenched awkwardly.

He was just a castmate, this was just another movie... Right?

Of course they got the job done, but then there were the funny pictures. It was a wierd group that was for sure, but some of the funniest people she has ever met. Thomas quickly dashed around to leap onto Charlie's back. Immediately she stumbled forward letting out a screech to balance herself dropping her bow onto the ground with her quiver.

Soon enough, it was in Ki and Dylan's hands and they were acting out a fighting scene as the photographer took the picture. As the last one snapped though, she felt something against her cheek. A red flushed color rose upwards as soon as she realized what it was. Thomas kissed her cheek...

"Charlie!" A familiar voice called.

Following the womanly tone she spun with Thomas on her back. There she was, her agent Rebecca Wilder. "Wilder!" She yelled dropping Thomas.

"Come on! Your flight leaves in a half hour!"

"Yes mam!" Charlie chuckled stepping back as Wes dismissed her. "Hey." She spoke to Thomas whom was gathering his footing. "My keys are in my dressing room, could you take it back for me. My apartment keys should be on there too. My make up artist Sammy knows where they are."

"Not a problem. You leaving now?" He nodded towards her manager.

"Yeah, but I'll be back tomorrow around 2ish."

"Alright fly safe."

"Play safe!" She called pushing his shoulder lightly before jogging towards her agent. He watched her go, watched as her manager threw her arm over Charlie's shoulder.

A slight cringe formed within him watching her go. She was a busy girl... She would definitely be wiped by tomorrow.

That's when something crossed his mind... watching her go, Thomas got an idea.

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