God Help You

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Standing outside the complex, Charlie crossed her arms and studied the street before her. At her side, just like always, Thomas resided doing the same. Somewhere in the background Zach, Dylan, Will, and Ki were going on about one thing or another. To her left, Charlie could hear Kaya instructing Jake on how to get there. 

"Should I be worried?" Thomas muttered looking towards her. 

She couldn't help but smile seeing the dancing fog roll from beneath his nose. The man was a sight for sore eyes, something she would long miss when their time filming together was over. "Eh, depends on how far you're willing to go."

"Just where are we going?"

"He's here!" Kaya hollered from down the side walk. 

Charlie grinned seeing the car pull up. "You'll just have to wait and find out." 

Coming back together, the group stood by their vehicles planning out their way of transportation. "So how are we doing this?" Ki asked. 

"Zach, you can take the jeep." Charlie tossed him the keys. "I vote you, Dylan, Ki, and Will take that. Kaya you can ride with Jake. And Thomas?" She looked towards him. "We're taking the bike if you don't mind." 

Thomas's eyes lit up at that. "Are you sure?"

"Of course. You guys follow us." She motioned between the two. 

There was no arguments from anyone else. Zach immediatley climbed into the jeep, Dylan calling shot gun along side him. As he did so, Charlie was able to catch Kaya watching the boy for a moment. Then, she turned and entered the car with Jake. 

The look of Jake wasn't exactly the typical person that she expected Kaya to be with. But hey, looks can be decieving. So, she would give the guy a chance. In the end she would always pull for Dylan though. Any girl would be lucky to get the sap. 

"You see that?" She whispered down to Thomas as he straddled his bike. 

"See what?" 

Chuckling, Charlie climbed on after him. "Kaya looking to Dylan. Just watch, something will happen before the end of the night. I promise." 

As they both sat down and Thomas started the engine, he stiffened slightly when her hands wrapped around his torso. Almost instantly though, he relaxed and sank into her touch. "Yeah... I'm sure something will."


Guiding Thomas through the streets with her GPS, Charlie held on tight to him wishing that she could just get close enough to be one. The past few days had gone by slow without him. But right here, right now, the way his scent forced it's way into her senses. It seemed as though she had never even left. 

"We're almost there!" She nodded forward holding the phone out so he could see as well. 

"Charlotte! That's in the middle of nowhere!" 

"Exactly!" Her laugh echoed. 

With a shake of his head, Thomas just rolled the throttle to a quicker speed. Meanwhile, Charlie looked behind them to see the gang all right behind her. Of course, the boys were acting just like the idiots they really were. Everyone seemed to be hitting it off with Zach, he was accepted into her friend group just like all the others. And now that they were one, it was alike a dream come true in her mind. Finally, for once in her life, she got to keep something. She got to keep a family. 

No matter how far apart they were, what they did, or how long they were gone, she knew that they would always come back to each other. her and Jennifer always said that they would be the two old ladies in a nursing home raising hell, but now it was more than just them. It was Kaya, it was Lauren, it was Dania, it was everyone. And she couldn't be more happy about it. 

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