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"Nothing's helping? Still?" He asked brushing the concealer over the heavy dark rings beneath her eyes.

"No." She bit her lip closing her eyes as he did so. "The meds dont do shit, and I've done everything. It's like one night out of every two weeks I crash, I'm just out."

"It's because your body can't take it anymore sweetheart." Sam tried sounding nice as he did so. "It's needs to sleep, it just doesn't know how anymore."

"It's hasn't known since I was 6."

Looking at her painfully he licked his lips and dropped his head slightly. "I thought it would go away when you were younger, I should have gotten you help then..."

"If my body wants sleep it will get it, for now I'm functioning fine..."

"Your lifeline is coffee!" He laughed motioning she was done. Quickly she stood up knowing what they had to do next.

Putting on her spandex and sports bra she stood with her arms out and legs apart as he grabbed his tools for the markings. It was going to be a long process, but knowing one another definitely helped for conversations. "And coffee isn't the worst thing out there. It's organic, replenish able, and prevents cancer."

"And sleep, don't forget it prevents sleep!" He began drawing.

Charlie scoffed looking at her own body. She never went swimming, she never went bare out in public, she was always covered and for this reason exactly. Before her eyes she was able to see the scars that were riddled across her body.

A lot of times Sam covered them for shoots and films, but what the audience didn't know is all the scars her characters had, they were her real ones in real life. All of her characters had scars, they had her scars. Her character Rosanne in the Maze Runner, Wes agreed to use them in here too. So, they didn't need to cover them.

The next two hours were long a tiring, but eventually she was ready for the photo shoots, she was ready to go. Well... Kind of.


They were done for the day. Thomas, will, Dylan, Ki, and Kaya were all ready to head out. As they were doing so, the door that were exiting to their trailers opened and Charlie and Sam stepped inside alongside Wes. "Hey Charlie!" Ki smiled.

"Hey guys!" Her voice was bright and loud.

"You just get back?" Kaya asked.

"Nah, about two hours ago I did. Been in make up ever since." She held up her arms motioning to the tattoos. Rosanne, her character, was supposed to have the Maze marked across her body. By the looks of it, Sam did a good job.

"Oh yeah, you got the photoshoot!" Kaya acknowledged. Biting her lip Charlie nodded looking beyond them.

"Whoa..." Will stepped forward towards her. "They look so real!" Suddenly his hand gently grazed the scar along her right arm.

Thomas watched her face fall pale as he did so. Sam noticed it too and began to slightly push her forward. "It's because they are kid." His voice was low and intimidating. Instantly everyone fell quiet as he tried pushing her forward and onto set.

"Oh I'm..." Will stuttered. "Im sorry. I didn't know..."

Charlie smiled shaking it off along with Sam. "Don't sweat it, ain't that big of a deal."

"Yeah." Dylan continued. "I bet it's from something cool, you used to skate right? Must have come from an accident or something." He shrugged smiling.

Charlie just nodded. "Something like that."

"You used to skate?" Ki asked.

"Kind of, not really, I don't know? I came from a small town, it passed the time."

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