Phone Tag

525 17 12

Standing in the back of the garage, Charlie held her arm tightly to her body out of nervousness. It's not that she was ashamed, but they brought up memories she didn't like to talk about. 

"Alright! Let's go through the checklist." Dylan turned to everyone. "Cooler." 

"Check." Ki responded. 





"Water and other beverages?"


"Sunscreen? Some need it most than others." Dylan motioned towards Charlie. 

She immediately rose her middle finger in response. "I'm porcelain, not white O'Brien." 

Everybody chuckled as Ki responded with the routine check. 

As Dylan continued through the list, Charlie looked to the one person she could trust with this. Sam wouldn't pick up his phone, so she would have to sit this one out. "Hey Kaya?" She grumbled whispering in her ear. 

Immediately turning towards her friend, Kaya could see Charlie motioning her over. "Yes?" She asked happily. 

Taking a long breath, Charlie looked around and slightly shrunk. "I don't think I'm gonna go." 

"What? Are you still not feeling well?" Kaya extended her hand outwards and pressed it against Charlie's forehead. 

A slight chuckle left her lips as she swatted it away. "No, No. I feel ten times better... but swimming... public... it's not kind of my thing..."

"Oh come on Charlie, everybody is going it'll be fun!" 

Quickly Charlie quieted her down. "I know, I know... but Kaya... I don't need people asking questions..." 


There was a slight pause as the boys began loading up the cars. "Girls, come on let's go!" Dylan patted the front of his truck. 

Biting her lips Charlie looked over towards everyone as Kaya began walking backwards. "Relax Charlie, It's okay to be shy. I mean you have no reason to be, who could take their eyes off that body?!" She joked

Letting out a sigh while watching Kaya go Charlie dropped her voice. "You have no idea..." 

"Come on." Thomas's voice was suddenly approaching her. She hand't even realized that he had walked from her jeep and right before her. "Ki and I are riding with you, he already called shotgun." 

Forcing a smile onto her face Charlie nodded and the two advanced towards the jeep... This was going to be an interesting day...


The group found a place with no cars, no people, and no cameras. For once in a while, it was just them. 

Everyone helped lay out the blankets and set up the umbrella before of course, Dylan was the first one into the water. Soon enough, Ki, Will, and Thomas were all joining in as Charlie and Kaya took the blanket. Time began to pass, and the small talk was beginning to die out over the boys's laughter. Eventually, through the beating sun and soft gentle Lakeside breeze, Kaya rose to her feet. "you going to come in?" She asked. 

Charlie studied the water carefully. Then, letting out a breath she shook her head. "No, I think I'm gonna hang here for a bit. Maybe later." 

"You sure you're okay?" She asked as she stripped off her shirt. 

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