Then Yes

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"I can't believe my damn chair broke." Steven muttered as they entered the hotel.

Instantly the crew giggled, Charlie and Lauren the most. "Why wouldn't you just listen to me?"

"It would have been fine if you would have stopped kicking it!"

"Or maybe you could lay off the fast food." Lauren patted his stomach. Immediately he stopped and gave her a pouting scolding look.

Andy then cut in. "Speaking of-" They looked to him. "Christopher said that he was picking up dinner." They all crowded into the elevator. "I hope they got something good."

"It's chris." Charlie rolled her eyes as she pressed the third floor button. "The guy can sniff out the best places out of any city."

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Charlie began screaming. Water soaked her from head to toe as everyone else cowered behind her. Norman of course, grabbed a hold of her and used her as a human shield. Soon enough, laughter from the other side was the only thing that Charlie could hear as she stood in pure shock. With her hands over her head and hair dripping with water, she looked up from her feet and stared down the people before her. There, standing with tears in their eyes and water guns in their hands were Chris, Dylan, Jennifer, Thomas, Josh, and Robert. Venom spit with her every word. "You. Assholes. Are. So. Fucking. Dead."

Racing forward, she took off after everyone as they sprinted down the hall and away from her. She was fast, that they all knew, but rounding the corner into the lounge room, they all ducked as Kaya and Ki hoisted buckets of water at the pursuing Charlie. Once again, she was drenched from head to toe and frozen in her spot. Liam, Chris, Tom, and Will all came in last with buckets of flour and piled it over her. Soon, she was covered in the white powder.

"Oh my god Charlie." Dylan cracked up with laughter. "I didn't think you could get any paler!" Soon everyone else was crying of laughter as she stared them down evilly. "Clearly I was wrong."

Upon hearing his voice she was lunging over the couch and wrapping herself around him. Instantly he screamed as powder from the flour covered him too. The walking dead cast was then filing in laughing as well. It wasn't long before she was chasing everyone around, eventually locking target on Chandler. The young boy screamed trying to escape. But it was no use. Within seconds she had caught the boy and was sharing the love. The room was soon covered in flour, and Charlie was slowly stepping back proud of her work. "Alright, alright. So that worked out great." Chris tried rubbing away from of the flower from his facial hair. "Everyone get cleaned up, change, and then we are going to eat!"

"What did you get?" Emily asked peeking around the room.

Robert however answered for him. "A little bit of everything. Even some beer, but none for you buddy." He motioned towards Chandler. "Your mom would absolutely kill us."

The kid let out a groan before nodding. He knew that he wasn't old enough.

Slowly, everyone broke apart and towards their rooms. Before Thomas went to his though, Charlie took off the hat and handed it over to him. "Here's your, flour covered hat." She patted it with a smile.

Instantly he studied it and smiled. "Keep it. I have another."

"Oh, are you sure?" she giggled shaking more flour out. "I can clean it and give it back. But in all fairness this was your idea!"

He chuckled again. "Even after it's clean. Yours was looking a little worn down."

Instantly she somewhat shrank at his words. "Yeah... It is getting pretty old." There wasn't an ounce of courage in her heart to tell him that it was her fathers. Thomas didn't know, nor did he need to. "I'll keep them both. Thank you."

Then with a smile, she was waving goodbye and heading towards her own room for a shower.

Charlie sat on the window frame looking out over the city. Beside her gathered on all the couches were the girls. Kaya, Jennifer, Scarlett, Lauren, Emily, Dania, and Melissa. The boys were all doing their own things being loud and obnoxious as usual.

The outside buzzing of the city had captured her full attention. It amazed her at how alive the town was, especially at a night like this. The life of the city, it was something she wanted to experience. "Let's go." All of the woman turned to her stopping their conversation.

"What?" Jen asked the question they were all thinking.

Sucking down the rest of her beer, Charlie slammed it on the window frame and rose to her feet. "Yeah! Let's go! We can have a girls night out. When is the last time any of us have done something like that?"

They all looked around to one another. "You sure that's a good idea Charlie?" Lauren asked. "You and Scarlett have a panel early tomorrow morning."

She immediately waved them off. "no, our panel isn't until noon. And I'll be fine, it's not like I sleep anyway!"

Checking to see the expression on everyone else's faces, of course Jennifer was the first one to agree. "Well I'm in. Come on, there has to be some good clubs around here!"

"Sure." Scarlett shrugged. "It'll be nice being away from guys for a change."

"Anyone else?" Charlie looked towards the others. It wasn't long before they were all agreeing.

Jeremy looked over towards the woman and motioned towards them gathering the men's attention. All of the girls, they were rising and getting ready to leave. "Ugh... what's going on?" he asked.

"We're going out!" Jennifer smiled.

Josh raised an eyebrow. "You're going out?"

This time, Charlie answered. "Yes sir. And don't wait up!"

And just like that, the woman were racing off to their rooms to get ready.

Curiosity grew within Thomas watching along with the guys as the girls dashed off. Each let out a sigh now being left alone. "Should we be worried?" Josh asked.

"I don't know." Taking a sip of his beer, Liam grumbled. "Are Charlie and Jen in charge of this ordeal?"

"YUP!" both of the woman screamed from down the hall causing all of the men to laugh.

In unison, Chris, Norman, Andy, Josh, and Liamall agreed. "Then yes."C

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