Letters From Afghanistan

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Climbing into the limo, Charlie let out a grunt closing the door behind her. Comic con was over, and now they were heading back to the air port. Everyone was crammed together for the same destination, but different terminals. 

At first the drive was quiet. Between everyone's silent stares, the engine gradually began putting everyone into a transfixed state. Robert was the first to break it. "Let's just break the ice now." Everyone looked to him. Then, he faced charlie. "You kissed a girl." 

Cracking up into her own fit of laughter, charlie shook her head and looked out the window. "Yeah, yeah. Never going to live that one down." 

"No." Chris agreed. "You really aren't."

Suddenly, Charlie's phone began to ring. 

It took a few seconds, but bending slightly she pulled the device from her back pocket and looked at the collar ID. It was her grandfather. 


"Hey Charlie, how are you feeling today?" 

"Better. Everything okay up there?"

"Oh yeah everything is fine. I was just calling to let you know that you got a letter from you're cousin. It just came this morning."

"Oh really?" She perked up with a smile. They all somewhat glanced at her, but then looked out giving her as much privacy as possible. 

Chris however, was a different story. "What is it?"

"I got a letter from Zach!" Her eyes lit up.

Thomas immediately leaned over to Chris. "Who is Zach?" 

"That's her cousin. He's deployed in Afghanistan." 

Charlie continued towards her grandfather. "Can I email you the address to send it to?"

"Yeah, I'll send it out this afternoon." 

"Alright, sounds good. Thanks Papa Puts." 

"No problem Diddly, call me when you land." 

"Will do. Love you."

"Love you too." 




"You take care of one another." Charlie squeezed the three tight as the two men pulled her and 
Jen together. Slowly, Liam and Josh let them go and stepped back. 

Josh smiled. "We'll see each other soon." 

"Yeah, we still have another movie." Liam agreed. "Two parts to be exact!" 

"Stay safe." Charlie smiled taking a long breath. "And more importantly." She turned towards Jennifer. "Stay sober." 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have a safe flight you little bitch." Hugging one another once again, both went their separate ways and Charlie watched as the Hunger Games cast disappeared into their terminal. 

Then, she turned towards the Avengers cast and the Maze Runner cast. Both were hugging each other goodbye. Chris of course came towards her. Sweeping her off her feet he spun the two around and she giggled like a little school girl. "Put me down you big meat ball." 

"God I'm gonna miss you."

Wrapping her arms around his torso, Charlie buried her head into his chest and took in a long breath. "I'll miss you to Christopher. Say hi to East for me."

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