The Trait That Wasn't Passed Down

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She had been on the phone for hours last night. Sure there was the whole planning situation that they were dealing with, but then the two woman just seemed to end up talking. So clearly, Charlie didn't get a wink of sleep the entire night. She was too busy planning. 

Arriving on set, she stepped out of her now covered Jeep and dashed across the puddled parking lot and inside. The lid to her coffee collected enough water to rush down her arm as soon as she was inside the building. "Hey Charlie." Dylan spooked her as he rushed to her side. 

"Jesus Christ Dylan." 

"Sorry, did Ava get a hold of you last night?"

"Yes, she did. And I got a few things planned out, but I am going to need your help." 

"Sweet, I'm in. What do we gotta do?" 

"For now, try and keep it quiet. Don't tell anyone until we get closer to Thursday. That way nobody starts acting weird. Because then he will know something is up." 

"Okay, I can do that. I think." 

"Yeah, keep your big mouth shut O'brien. If you want too, you and Ki can come by tonight and I can run everything by you then." 

"Okay, I'll let him know. For now, Wes wants you in wardrobe. We are all gonna be filming today." 

Chuckling and sucking down another sip of her coffee she smiled. "Oh, I can't wait." 


"Alright everyone!" Wes yelled as Thomas helped Charlie to her feet. She nodded a thanks before wiping off all of the dirt and mud from herself. "Take lunch, be back in an hour." 

Slowly dispersing, the crew went their separate ways. Thomas for the moment, stood alone with Charlie. "I'm fucking starving." Charlie held her stomach and began to walk forward. 

"You and I both. What do you say we go and get something."

"Off set?" She asked raising her eyebrow. "It's pouring rain outside." 

He chuckled and shook his head. "Of course not love. We simply follow Dylan. The boy's got a nose for food within a five mile radius." 

"True.  Let's go." 

Both tagging behind a group of people, they found themselves making their way towards the lounge area. Suddenly though, her phone started to buzz. "Hey Sam." she picked it up looking around. "Where are you?" 

"I'm out at the trailer. I wen't and got something for lunch, come and get some while it's still warm." 

"I have Thomas with me, is there enough?" 

"Of course, I'll see you soon." 

"Will do. Bye." 


"Sam?" Thomas asked. 

"Yeah, he went and got lunch for us. It's at the trailer. Let's go." 

Both weaved their way in and out of people, and on occasion, if they were ever getting separated, Thomas placed his hand on the small of her back pushing her forward. Eventually though, reaching the door to the trailer lot, Thomas pushed open the door and they were immediately greeted with the sound of rain. 

Charlie hesitated looking to her arms and shoulders to the tattooed markings on her skin. The water would wash them away. Sure maybe not at first, they weren't the cheap store bough-ten ink that you got at walmart, this was classy stuff. But still, on little smudge and they would have to redo it. 

"Here." Thomas shrugged off his jacket seeing her hesitation. 

There was no arguments from Charlie's end. If they wanted that food, she would have to go out in the rain. "Thanks." she smiled and pulled it over her shoulders. 

"No problem, ready?" he smiled towards the rain. 

Taking a deep breath, she jumped in place bouncing on her heels. "Oh yeah. Anything for food." 

Then, with one big push, the two were sprinting through the rain and leaping over puddles. Charlie let out her fair share of screams, but Thomas seemed to be the  most vocal. Once at her trailer, she didn't bother knocking and barged in with Thomas right behind her. 

As soon as they were safe from the elements outside, both stood in complete silence taking in their soaking situation. "Well you two are a sight for soar eyes." Sam chuckled from across the trailer. 

"Don't even. This food just better be worth it." 

He took off the lid to the pot on her table and set it on the side. "Well it is my own home made cooking."

"Yes!" She immediately caved racing towards it and taking a seat. Across from her, Thomas and Sam sat down as well. "Oh my god I freaking love your cooking." 

"Well I learned it from your mother." Sam smiled while plopping a big heap of the casserole onto her plate. 

Charlie wasted no time stuffing a for full into her mouth. "Yeah well, the trait was not passed down I can promise that." 

Immediately Thomas argued. "You are not even a bad cook Charlotte." 

"Oh no." Sam laughed. "She is terrible. Do not let her fool you."

"Hey, let the guy dream Sam!" 

"No. You're life will not be based on lies." Thomas smiled watching the two as he ate the a plate of the casserole as well. "Charlotte here is talented in many things, but cooking? That is not one of them." 

"It really isn't."

"But last night-" Thomas started but was cut off by Sam. 

"Was prepared by me over the phone! She called me before you guys even got there!" 

"All true." Sanders didn't even look up. 

Laughing, Sam ate as well. "The first time I ever had her over to help me cook, she looked away for five minutes and the thing caught on fire!" 

"I put it out! And you said you wanted it well done dammit!" 

The two men laughed as Charlie rolled her eyes and continued to eat. 

Small conversations were made between the three for a little bit, until once again, Charlie's phone rang. "Hey grandpa." She answered while setting her fork down. "What's up?" 

"Charlie." The serious tone from her grandfathers end made her sit up immediately. "I hate to tell you this over the phone sweet heart, but I got a call today."

"From who?" 

"From Zach's commander." Immediately her heart sank. "Charlie. You're cousin has been shot."   

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