Two Beating Hearts

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Walking onto set the next morning, Charlie prepared herself for the day in the same routine she always would. Show up early, sip her coffee, get herself inked up, and drag herself through the day embracing the sweaty stunts, fake blood, fighting, and running.

"Morning Sam." She walked into the trailer and immediately began shrugging off her sweatshirt.

"Hey sweet heart. So, you ready for today?"

Seeing as it was only them, she kicked off her shoes and dropped her pants as well. "I guess so, just like any other day."

"Any other day?" He asked setting his coffee down on the table next to hers. "You sure about that?"

"What so special about it? Shit is it your damn anniversary?"

"No, no. Not my anniversary. But haven't you read the script?"

"Of course I have read the script, it is kind of my job."

"Okay." He compromised and reached for a new piece of paper. "What about the itinerary?"

Looking over her shoulder, she eyed the piece of paper before taking it from his hands. It took a few seconds, but after scanning the paper she finally understood just what he was talking about. Newt and Rosanne homestead scene

With a shrug, she handed back the piece of paper and went on about her own things. "Nothing new, done it before." She would have to kiss Thomas.

"Oh don't even try and play games with me Sanders."

"I'm not playing anything Sam."

"You like him Charlie, and don't even deny it."

"Of course I like Thomas!" Throwing her shirt on the table with a smile she rolled her eyes. "I like everyone."

Grabbing the ink and taking his position, she crouched down to her legs first. "You're right. You have done this plenty of times before, but not like this hun. You know it."

"What are you trying to say?"

"What I'm trying to say is after it happens, make sure you look for me so I can finally give you that I told you so face."

"It is your favorite." Her grin widened as she looked down at him. "But what exactly am I going to be waiting for?"

Chuckling, he shook his head. "I think I know you better than you know yourself Charlotte, you'll know."

Standing in the corner with the usual gang, Charlie glanced back and forth at the some fake scars, and defiantly fake tattoos that were laced across her body. "So what are those made out of?" Dylan asked poking one of the markings lightly.

She just shrugged. "I don't know, but it's hard as hell to wash off."

"Well." He smiled cheekily. "If you ever need help, I'm just down the hall."

"Fuck you Dylan."

"You would."

With a smug look, Kaya hit Dylan on the chest as Charlie rolled her eyes.

"Alright, Thomas Charlie, you guys ready?"

Both looked to each other with a smile. However, as soon as their eyes locked, her heart seemed to skip a beat. The reality of the situation didn't really dawn on her until just now in this moment of time. "Ugh, yeah!" She answered for them choking out her words.

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