It Was So Her

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Walking onto set, Charlie pulled the grey hood over her messy bun and gripped the cuff's of Thomas's leather jacket over her hands as tightly as possible. She heard Thomas leave last night, she felt the tension in the room when he kissed her forehead, and she felt the absence of him as soon as he left. 

Keeping her head down she watched as her black covered leggings and black converse moved continuously beneath her. It was normal for her to be here before everyone else, her make up took the longest out of anybody. Sam would have to, day after day, trace the tattoo marking all across her body. 

So, taking off her sunglasses and wiping her eyes, Charlie let out a frustrated sigh as she made her way towards the trailer. 

Upon rounding the set's corner though, she was stopped abruptly by a body before her. Immediately she stumbled backwards and stopped wiping her eyes. "Charlie, Jesus I'm sorry." Thomas's voice met her ears. 

It was a relief hearing him, but looking up she immediately regretted it knowing there were dark rings under her eyes. "What are you doing here so early?" She tried avoiding it and looking down. 

"I just dropped my parents and Ava off at the air port. Charlie, did you sleep at all?" He put his finger beneath her chin and made her look upwards. 

The tired expression on her face said it all. No words were exchanged. Instead, she swatted his hand away and wrapped both of hers around his torso. Before he knew it she was pushing herself into his chest and he was hugging her back. "Oh Charlotte..." he cooed hugging her tighter. 

"You're a liar." She muttered into his chest. 

Immediately Thomas's blood ran cold. "About what love?"

"You didn't wake me up when we got back." 

Chuckling at her randomness, he rolled his eyes. "Alright. You're freaking exhausted."

"No shit Sherlock." 

"Well then today." He pushed her backwards slightly so she could look at him. "I proclaim that Charlie Sanders!" he yelled through the empty set. It instantly made her smile and look around. "Does not walk a step more than required too!" 

Within seconds he had her over his shoulder. The hood feel off and her crazy hair was everywhere. "Thomas! Oh my god put me down!" 

"No! I am saving your life, be quiet!" 

"You're such a-"

"Consider this payment for your little surprise party last night."

"Oh." She grunted as he began walking towards her trailer. "Well I think I would much rather prefer dinner but-"

"Say no more! I shall pick you up tonight after shooting!" 

Hitting his back she smiled and rolled her eyes. "You're such a dork." 

Pushing open the door to her trailer, Thomas yelled for Sam. He was quick to respond and stand out in the open. "Yes?"

"I found Charlie. Here you go. And she didn't sleep!" 

"Taddle Tail." She growled as he walked over and sat on her couch. 

"Well I'm glad he did. We gotta get this started, we're running late." 

"But nobody is even here yet." She shrugged off Thomas's jacket tossing it to him. Then, kicking off her shoes she set them aside. 

"Yeah well, it takes about an hour to do this, and Wes wants to start filming as soon as possible. So go and change." he tossed her a pair of sweat pants. 

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