Royal Pain?- Ace #16

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"Father!" Ace complained. King Roger shot him a glare, shutting his son up immediately.

"I will not have you complain infront of his majesty, King Ocean D. Tsuji." King Roger said. Ace huffed.

"Father, you are asking me to marry a woman I don't even know, let alone love." Ace complained.

"Foolish boy, do you truely believe that I would let you get married before you got to know your bride? No. King Tsuji and Princess Aoi are on their way to meet us." King Roger said. Ace fought back a growl, knowing if he let it lose, he would be tasting the back of his father's hand until the wedding.

Ace's eyes traced to the window where he could see his two adopted brothers and best friends goofing off in the gardens.

Luffy was actually the son of Lord Monkey D. Dragon. However, the pain of losing Luffy's mother made the proud man feel unworthy of being a father and left the baby Luffy with King Roger.

Sabo's past is mostly unknown, but Ace knew his parents had died and King Roger had taken the small boy in.

Yet, since they were not born of royalty like Ace, they did not have a betrothed and could marry whoever they wished. Ace couldn't help but feel envious of them.

Sabo and Ace were both 20 years old, and Sabo was planning to propose to his long-term lover, Koala.

Ace sighed. Sometimes, he really hated being the Crown Prince of Grandline Kingdom.

"Go retrieve your brothers and prepare yourself for the arrival of King Tsuji and Princess Aoi. And for god's sake, son, look presentable for your future wife!" King Roger commanded of his son. Ace wanted to say something, anything. To tell his father that this whole betrothal thing was unfair, to tell him that he wanted to marry because he was in love, not because the family needed an heir by the time Ace was 22. But Ace's cheek still stung from the last time he back-mouthed his father.

"Yes, sir." Ace said.

"Don't sound like a kicked puppy, Ace. Give the girl a chance. You might find that you like her." The King said. Ace merely nodded and left to do as he was told.

"Ace. Is everything okay?" Sabo asked as Ace approached him and Luffy.

"Father said to prepare for the arrival of my future wife, Princess Ocean D. Aoi of Redline Kingdom." Ace said. Sabo and Luffy blinked.

"All of us. Now." He said.

"I still don't understand this whole "marriage" thing." Luffy grumbled and went off to his room to prepare.

"Did you get slapped again?" Sabo asked. Ace rubbed his cheek. Sabo sighed.

"You know better than to interrupt him when he's being King, Ace. You should really pay attention to it, considering you're next in line." Sabo said.

"Yeah, that's what I keep getting told. Go get ready, Sabo. Unless you also want to taste the back of dad's hand." Ace said and went to his room to change in to his formal wear.

Time skip because chapter will be too long if I don't.

"Where is that blasted boy?" King Roger thought as King Tsuji and his daughter stood before him and his two adopted sons.

"Sabo." King Roger said with a commanding voice, making the blonde jump slightly.

"Y-yes?" Sabo asked.

"Where is your brother?" King Roger asked. Sabo glanced to the floor then back up at his adopted father before he got pissed off.

"The last I saw him, he was visiting his mother's grave." Sabo answered. The King released a long sigh.

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