Birthday Girl- Zoro #17

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RT_Strawhat_Ninja: Yes, I know I missed Zoro's birthday, but I don't think Zoro is the type to be "you forgot my birthday how dare" but I think he'd want his girl to feel special on her birthday even if she didn't want anyone to know. Also, Ki's birthday landed on Thanksgiving this year, so I had to.

Ki hummed as she stared across the sea from the ship's side. The salty sea breeze blew through her pixie cut sandy blonde hair. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling. For the first time in a long time she was happy to relax.

A sudden slap to her rear end made her jump, shattering her peaceful enjoyment.

"Happy Spanksgiving." A chuckle behind her said. She sighed and rolled her blue eyes, turning to face her husband. Zoro smirked down at her.

"Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, peace killer." She said. Zoro rested his hands on railing in either side of her, trapping her and leaning over her.

"Aw, I'm not that terrible." He chuckled. Ki rolled her eyes.

"No, but you did kill my moment of peace just there." She said. He leaned closer to her.

"You like the feeling of my hand on your ass." He said. Ki chuckled and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"And you are begging me to throw you in the ocean." She said. Zoro chuckled and rested his head to hers, closing his eye.

"Are you gonna throw me or nah?" He asked after a second. She hummed.

"Nah. I kinda like holding you like this." She said and slid her head under his chin and cuddled in to him. Zoro wrapped his arms around her and held her to his chest. She closed her eyes and hummed to herself. She was happy being in his arms. He jolted as she suddenly spanked him.

"Happy Spanksgiving." She giggled. Zoro grinned and kissed her head.

"Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, moment killer." He teased. She smirked and kissed his jaw. He nuzzled her hair and held her tight. She laughed and hugged him tighter.

"I love you, Roronoa Ki." He said. Ki smiled as pink claimed her cheeks.

"I love you, Roronoa Zoro." She said. He smiled down at her and kissed her lips gently. He suddenly lifted her from her feet and held her bridal style. She squealed and held on to him tightly.

"And happy birthday, Ki." He said.

"Wha- how did-?!" She spluttered.

"Aisuru told me. I wanted to do something special for you, but she told me you didn't want anyone to know. She didn't give me a reason, but if you don't really want to celebrate, I won't make you. I just want to give you this." He said as he set her back on her feet and gave her a small box. She opened the box and stared at the necklace in the box. Two topaz gems in a small glass jar.

"Zoro... it's beautiful." She said. Zoro raised it from the box and clasped it around her neck. He smiled at her.

"It looks better on you." He said and kissed her cheek.

"If you know... then.." she started. Zoro hugged her.

"I haven't told anyone else, honey. Just between the two of us." He said and kissed her cheeks again. He quickly captured her lips in a sweet kiss. Ki sighed in to the kiss and wrapped er arms around Zoro's neck.

They parted for air and Ki rested her head on her husband's chest. Zoro played with her hair.

"Oi, lovebirds. Hurry before Luffy swallows the turkey whole!" Nami called. Zoro frowned, wanting to spend more alone time with his wife.

"Come on, pouty face. Let's go get dinner." She said and pecked his lips with a chuckle, taking Zoro's hand in hers. They walked in to the dining hall.

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KI!" Everyone shouted when they entered.

"Wha-?!" She stuttered. Zoro stared at them. Aisuru blushed and grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry, Ki. Luffy heard me tell Zoro, and you know there's no stopping him." Aisuru said.

"Well, we have to have a party! Ki is nakama!" Luffy said with a bright grin.

"Can't you be more sentimental?" Nami asked.

"Guys." Aisuru gasped. Everyone looked at Ki, who had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Ki? Are you okay? I'm sorry!" Aisuru said.

"No, it's fine..." she sniffed and wiped her eyes, then smiled at her friends. Ki wipes her eyes repeatedly, trying to get her tears to stop.

"I just... It's just that for so long... I hate my birthday. My father died on my birthday... my mom died and I was kidnapped on my birthday... for so long I thought bad things could only happen in my birthday, so I'd never tell anyone to try to avoid losing anyone else, but you're all here... and I'm so thankful to have you as nakama... I love you all so much... thank you..." She hiccuped and cried. Zoro hugged her and kissed her cheeks.

After Ki's birthday celebration and of course Thanksgiving dinner, everyone tucked in for bed and Ki was cuddled in to Zoro's chest, sleeping soundly as her green haired husband gently rubbed her shoulder and arm.

"Happy birthday, Warrior princess." He said and kissed her head. He closed his eye and fell his head fell back, falling asleep.

[the end]

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