Daddy- Zoro #9

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My name is Kuina. Roronoa, Kuina. I am 10 years old. I have a twin brother, Roronoa, Kosen. I am a member of the Straw Hat Pirate crew, like my mother and father before me.

My father was the famous swordsman, Roronoa Zoro. And my mom? The famous swordswomen, Roronoa Ki.

But... mom wasn't around any more.

Actually.... I never knew my mom.

From what Captain- er.... Uncle Luffy tells me, Mom died in a battle a few years after we were born. I think we were three. But Uncle Luffy doesn't like talking about it. And Aunt Aisuru cries if we bring up Mom.

And dad? Well....

Dad doesn't spend a lot of time with us. To be honest, Kosen and I were a little bit scared of Dad. Aunt Robin says that while Dad comes off as scary, he really is a kind and sweet man when he wants to be, it's just been hard on him since mom died.

I've been told that I have Mom's eyes while Kosen has her hair. I always wondered what Mom was like, but the only one willing to talk about Mom was Aunt Robin, but she said I had to ask Dad, but I was too scared of Dad.

Sometimes I wonder if dad still wants us.

I sighed as I stared down at my diary, frowning at my own words. I didn't like I was so negative towards Dad, it's just... I can't really help it. He doesn't talk to us, he barely looks at us.

I looked over at Kosen, asleep in the bed. The room Kosen and I slept in was a store room that had been turned in to our room when Mom found out she was pregnant. Chopper always told us that she and Dad were so excited for us to be born, but seeing as how dad is, I wasn't so sure.

I heard the door open and looked up, reaching over for a small dagger I kept on the table by my bed.

"Kuina? What are you still doing up?" I heard. My eyes met the single eye of my dad.

"Oh, dad... I was just... writting in my diary..." I admitted. I was too scared to lie to him. He frowned at me.

"Is something wrong, Kuina?" He asked. I quickly shook my head.

"N-nothing is wrong, Daddy!" I said. He sighed and walked over to me, sitting down on my bed as I snapped my book shut. He motioned for me to come closer. I scooted a little bit closer. He raised his hand and I cringed. I closed my eyes and waited, not knowing what to expect.

I felt a hand on my head, ruffling my green hair. I opened my eyes and looked up at dad. I was surprised. I had only ever seen my father with two expressions. Blank and angry. But now, dad seemed sad.

I blinked as he continued to play with my hair. He sighed softly as he watched me. Ever so slowly, I relaxed under my father's touch. It was familiar, comforting, even. I subconsciously leaned in to my dad's hand. He chuckled at me, a small smile gracing his lips.

"Your mother would always do that when I played with her hair. I always thought it was the cutest thing in the world, seeing a woman as strong as her melt under my touch." He said softly so he wouldn't wake Kosen.

"Um... Daddy... about mom.... what...." I started slowly.

"What was she like, right?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed softly.

"Come here, Kuina." He said. I crawled closer to my dad. When I was close enough, he picked me up and put me in his lap, surprising me. He pushed my head towards his chest and rested his chin on my head.

"Ki... She was always something special. I couldn't quite figure her out. She was stubborn, a little cold at first, but her heart was the kindest you'd ever find. She was so driven. She was always improving. When we'd train together, she would treat it like a serious fight. There were a few times when I thought she was actually going to kill me." He chuckled. I moved and looked up at him. He was staring at the wall with a strange look in his eye.

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