Familiar Taste of Poison- Ace #6

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RT_Ninja: I'm currently hanging out in a café that has an open mic night. The dude singing is singing a song that inspired the title for this chapter. And yeah, I don't know the lyrics to the dude's song since it's his own original work. Good song though. Enjoy!


Italics- flashback

Underlined italics- song lyrics

Modern AU.

Ace sighed as he woke up. It had happened again. He had a dream about an old flame. She had left a long time ago. Almost three years. But last night he had a dream about how they first met.

Ace rolled out of bed and got dressed and headed down to that old Café, memories flooding his mind.

Ace wandered down the street late at night. He had just finished a late night shift and he needed to just relax for a little bit. The café down the street had an open mic night that night. That would be nice

Ace walked in to the Café. The barista smiled and waved at him. She was his brother's girlfriend, Koala. He actually met her through his ex. She introduced Koala and Sabo and things went well.

"Hey Ace, mocha latte as usual?" Koala asked. Ace nodded. Koala rang up his order and he paied and took a seat, listening to the singer.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna be singing my own original song called The Familiar Taste of Poison." He said. Ace closed his eyes and listened.

Ace entered the café. The barista gave him a kind smile. She was rather pretty. Ace approached the counter and ordered himself a Mocha Latte and took a seat.

After his coffee came, he saw some one sit by him. He turned his head and saw a girl with sky blue hair sit by him. She was so pretty.

"This seat isn't taken is it?" She asked, looking at him. Her eyes were a pretty color of jade.

"Nah." Ace replied. She sat down and pulled out her laptop. Ace noticed she was writting a story. He turned his attention to the small stage as a young man with a guitar.

"Hey, Guys. I will be performing my own original song, The Familiar Taste of Poison." He said. The woman next to him sighed.

"I love this guy. He sings this song every time he comes here. I love it." She said. She and Ace were in the back so the singer couldn't hear them. Ace merely nodded in responce.

As the man began to sing his song, her fingers flew across the keyboard. Ace read over her shoulder as she typed. He read as her characters struggled with the urges to tell the other that they loved them. He was fascinated by her story.

Ace sighed as he sipped his coffee. He remembered how this song had been his and her song. It was the song being played when they met. Ace began to him along with the singer.

Ace's eyes slid open and he looked out the window. The sky was growing darker with heavy rain clouds as his mood grew darker with them. He missed her so much.

The woman sighed as the singer finished his song and walked off stage.

"You a writer?" Ace asked her. She sighed.

"A struggling one. I'm stuck in such a rut with these characters. That's why I like coming here. The music inspires me." She said. Ace smirked.

"That's pretty interesting." He said.

"Aoi and Aka, it's your turn!" The barista called. The woman nodded.

"Thank you, Koala!" She returned. "Excuse me a moment." She said and she walked up with a purple haired girl that held a guitar.

"Hi, we will be singing Clarity. The Nightcore version." The bluenette said.

Ace turned his gaze to the front as the man finished his song and retreated from the stage, replaced by the same two women from that night.

"Hey, guys. We'll be singing Clarity. The Nightcore version." The blue haired woman said. She nodded to her friend and she started to play.

"High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life.
Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it everytime..."

Ace watched the bluenette that caused his heart to ache yet again. A familiar sound to his ears, a familiar sting in his chest.

Ace was stunned. Her voice was beautiful. His heart jumped in his chest.

"Hold still right before we crash,
Cause we both know how this ends.
A clock ticks till it breaks your glass and I drown in you again."

In that moment Ace's heart was won by the bluenette. Not knowing how all they would do is crush each other's hearts over and over again.

Ace sighed, knowing exactly how this would go. She would finish the song, come over and talk to him coldly. He would reply with a civil response and they'd some how end up kissing. A familiar setting, a familiar feeling.

"Cause you are the piece of me.
I wish I didn't need.
Chasing relentlessly.
Still fight and I don't know why."

The bluenette finished the song (A/N: no, I'm not writting out the full song. Too tired.) and as predicted, sat down by Ace.

"Ace." She said coldly.

The bluenette finished the song and returned to a wide eyed Ace.

"You have an amazing voice." He said. She grinned.

"Thanks. My friend, Aka, and I like to go up there sometimes." She said. He smiled.

"Well, I think you should do it more often. I like the sound of your voice. I'm Ace, by the way." He said. She smiled at him.

"Aoi." She said. He grinned.

"Well, Aoi, wanna grab lunch with me sometime?" He asked. Aoi smiled.

"I'd like that." She said.

"Aoi. How have you been?" Ace responded in a normal voice. Aoi's gazed softened.

"I've been okay. I... I've missed you." She said the familiar words.

"I've missed you, too, Aoi. I really don't like how we ended things." He said. Aoi sighed.

"Me either. Can we... Try again?" She asked again. Ace leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her soft, sweet lips. A familiar setting. And the familiar taste that would leave them both in pain, just like the previous singer said.

The Familiar Taste of Poison.

[the end]

RT_Ninja: sorry that kinda sucked. It was a spur of the moment kinda thing.

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