2 Years Gone- Zoro #14

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She ran for him as fast as her legs would carry her. Her messy, now shoulder-length hair sticking to her sweat soaked face, duel katanas clanking together at her waist.

"Zoro! Please! Just run! You can't beat him! Please!" Ki begged. She reached for him, but before her hand could touch his, Bartholomew Kuma hit him, sending him away. The last thing he saw was the look of terror in her eyes.

"KI!" He screamed out sitting up. He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Gah.." he grunted.

"Calm yourself. You've sustained a bad injury." Came the voice of Dracule Mihawk. Zoro raised a hand to the bandaged half of his face. That's right. He lost his eye.

"This Ki woman you screamed for. Is this her?" He asked, holding up a wanted poster. Zoro looked at the poster, seeing it was infact, Ki. She was crouched low to the ground, both swords drawn, ready to lunge, seemingly blending with the shadows.

"Yeah... that's her... that's my warrior princess." He murmured with out much thought as to what he called her. All he could see was the woman he loved.

"She seems to be a promising young swordswoman." Mihawk said, examining both Ki's picture and Zoro.

"She is. She'll make the world know her name through her swordsmanship." Zoro said, a small bit of pride in his voice. Mihawk blinked for a moment, then tore the paper in half.

"Hey! Ah!" Zoro tried to grab the picture, only for his injury to stop him.

"No distractions, Zoro. Rest yourself and adjust to your one eye and then we will continue with your training." Mihawk left the room to deal with Perona whining about something or other. Zoro carefully picked up the two halfs of the torn poster.

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Zoro sighed as he stared at the picture. It seemed as if her blue eyes were glowing, her deadly glare pointed right at him.

"Please, be safe." He murmured and lied back down, setting the paper on the end table by his bed.

"Ki..." he murmured. He closed his one good eye and let himself fall asleep.

Time skip

Zoro made a face as Perona had continued to yell at him for some reason or another. Something about him getting lost, pausing only to stomp on Sanji for a moment.

"Where are you, Ki?" He thought. Suddenly, Perona let out a shriek. Zoro turned his head in time to see a blur of brownish-blonde pixie cut hair body slam in to Perona, sending the pinkette flying.

"Don't go yelling at a man for no reason like that. Respect is something you earn, not something you demand." The body-slammer said. Zoro took in her appearence.

Pixie cut brownish-blonde hair, bangs at a perfect length to frame her face. Sparkling blue eyes that held a bored expression, yet also a fierce and confident glint in them.

She was curveyer. Enough to where Zoro was uncomfortable with Sanji being around her. Her skin had gained a soft tan and on her shoulder, a tattoo.

His single eye traced over her form, surprised to see her wearing heels

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His single eye traced over her form, surprised to see her wearing heels.

"Ki." He said. Blue eyes turned on him. Her lips fell open and her eyes widened.

"Zoro." His name passed her lips breathlessly. He reached out and gently cupped her cheek. Her eyes fluttered shut as she leaned her head in to his palm. His heart skipped a beat as he stared at her. Her eyes slid open and she stared back up at him, love filling her eyes.

He stepped closer and pulled her to his chest. His eye closed and he held her tight, her arms winding behind his back and her palms resting on his back. Holding her like that, it made up for the 2 years they had been gone.

"My warrior princess." He murmured in her ear.

"My little chia pet~" She hummed as she pulled away, only to laugh at the face he made. She leaned in a pressed a kiss to his jaw.

"I'm just kidding, babe. I missed you." She said, hugging him again. He tightened his arms around her.

"I missed you more." He said. Ki looked up at him, still resting her head in his shoulder.

"Heels. Really?" He asked. She rolled her eyes.

"They help with balance, believe it or not." She said and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"And they help me reach you better." She said, nuzzling his neck.

"Will you two just kiss already?! It's been two years and all you can do is make idle chit-chat?!" Sanji snapped. Zoro rolled his eye and dipped his head and scooped Ki in to a kiss before she could call the love cook shipping trash.

Ki wrapped her arms up around his broad shoulders and buried her fingers in his hair. His tongue invaded her mouth and re-claimed its old territory, reuniting with it's old dancing partner. Ki sucked on his tongue to tease him. He let out a low groan.

"Oh, Ki, don't tease me like that." He murmured. She giggled at him.

"Can't help it. I've missed you so much." She said. Zoro kissed her forehead.

"How about we go somewhere more private?" He hummed to her. She giggled and kissed his chin.

"Oi, Marimo, you better be gentle with her." Sanji said.

"Fuck off, perverted chef." Zoro said, keeping one arm around Ki to lead her away. Ki grinned at Sanji over her shoulder.

"We'll catch up later, Sanji!" She said and let Zoro lead her away. She didn't know where they would end up, but she didn't care. All she knew is that she was going to have fun with the man that she spent 2 years with out.

[the end]

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