Married for Christmas (Law Special)

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"Let me seeeeeee." Ai said, hanging off of Aka's shoulders.

"Geeze, Ai, how are you doing that? You're an inch taller than me." Aka said.

"I wanna seeeeeeee." Ai said.

"Relax, would ya? I'll show everyone." Aka said as she opened the door to the house.

"About time, guys. Aoi and I have been waiting for hours!" Ki called from the living room.

"It's been ten minutes." Aoi said.

"I don't like waiting." Ki grumbled. Aoi chuckled.

"So did you guys find a dress?" Aoi asked.

"Aka want show me what she chose!" Ai complained.

"I said I'd show everyone!" Aka said. Ai still pouted.

"Where are the guys?" Aka asked.

"Ace, Luffy and Zoro are keeping Law preoccupied until we're done with the bridal shower." Aoi said.

"Show show show!" Ai begged.

"We gotta wait for Cassidy. It's not a party with out Cassidy." Aka said. No sooner than the words left Aka's mouth, the door bell rang. Aoi darted to the door and answered.

"Cassidy!" Aoi cheered happily, hugging her dear friend. They entered the room again. Cassidy was taller that all four of the other girls and had shoulder length red hair and dazzling green eyes that one could easily get lost in for days. She was wearing her signature black dress and had her cosplay collapseable scythe at her hip. Under her arm was a bridal shower gift and on her face was a sly grin.

"Okay, now we can party." Aka said.

"Sweet, where's the cake at?" Cassidy joked.

"Waaaait! We gotta see Aka's dress! That way we know the style for our bridesmaids dresses!" Ai said. Aka laughed.

"Alright, alright. I'll show you." Aka said. Aoi pulled out her costume rack so Aka could hang up the dress and show it.

"Oh wow!" Ai said. The dress was long and was sleeveless and was complete with a purple sash. (A/N; pictured above)

"So pretty!" Aoi said. Aka grinned.

"Think Law will like it?" She asked.

"I think he's gonna cry from how beautiful you're going to look in that dress." Cassidy said. Aka grinned and hugged her.

"I knew you were my favorite for a reason!" She said.

"Hey! Best friend over here!" Aoi called. Cassidy stuck her tongue out at Aoi. Aoi returned the gesture.

"Will you two just make out already?" Ki asked.

"I think Ace wouldn't like me if I stole his girlfriend with my amazing kissing skills." Cassidy said. The group laughed.

"Anyways, let's get this party started!" Ai said.

(A/N: quick disclaimer. I have never been at a bridal shower from the beginning. I'm just writting from what I know.)

After a few games to test how well everyone knew Aka (which was really well) and just to have fun, Aoi decided it was time to open the gifts everyone brought.

"First one comes from Ai." Aoi said. Aka opened the box and laughed.

"Redneck wine glasses. Well, I've got the redneck and Law loves his wine." Aka said.

"Oh. We know." Cassidy said.

"Let's not forget that New Years party from two years ago." Aoi said. Aka blushed so hard that her face almost turned the same shade of purple as her hair.

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