I'll make you smile! -Law #22

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How? How was she so cheery? How was she so happy? After watching so many people she loved die...

How could Aka smile?

Law didn't know those answers, but he continued to ask the questions as he watched the woman laugh and joke with Shachi.

Law watched with curious eyes when Shachi flipped over an empty bucket and began to bang his hands on it, using it as a drum.

"Come on, Aka-chan! Dance for us!" Penguin said, following Shachi's example by clapping two small planks of wood together in rythem to Shachi's beat. Bepo began to clap his paws.

With a giggle, Aka closed her eyes and began to dance to the music of the make-shift instrument, a smile on her face as she did.

Law watched with slight interest as she moved her body in time to the beat. Even though Aka was normally clumsy, when she danced, she was as graceful as a swan.

Law felt a smirk tug his lips up as he watched her bounce and twirl from one foot to another, her long, purple, braided hair swaying around her body, a bright grin on her face.

Penguin and Shachi cheered for her and encouraged more from the woman and Bepo happily clapped along. Aka laughed and did as the men requested, bouncing and twirling in a wider rang, never once faltering or slipping. Law continued to smirk, seeing her light hearted nature and her smile brought just a little light to his heart.

Aka's eyes opened and she noticed Law watching her with a smirk on his lips. With a bright grin, she danced her way over to him.

Curiosity sparked in Law as he watched her bounce and twirl to him. She came to a stop before him and held out her hand to him.

"Will you dance with me, Captain?" She asked with a bright smile. Law blinked. The men halted their music, afraid of what would happen. Would Law scold Aka for the suggestion?

"I don't dance." He said. She blinked at him, but her smile never faltered.

"Please?" She asked. He met her gaze. He noticed her smile start to slip.

"You don't have to do much dancing, just hold on to me until you get the hang of it." She said softly.

"I will not be the one to make that smile fall." He thought. He reached out and took her hand and stood. Shachi, Penguin and Bepo shared a look and went back to making music with their make-shift instruments.

Aka lead Law to a clear spot they could dance in. She lead one of his hands to her hip and she held his other one and she started to get him to dance with her, getting him to bounce and spin her around him.

Soon, Aka was smiling and laughing as Law danced with her. And Law didn't like to admit it, but he was smiling as well. She was making him smile.

The music slowly died down as Penguin and Shachi's hands were becoming sore. Aka and Law stopped dancing and the crew went back to work. Law stared at Aka for a moment as the two caught their breath.

Law took in her features. Her lightly tanned skin. Her silver eyes. The gold sliver in her right lower iris. Her long, purple hair that fell all the way down to her bum in an elegant braid. The way her soft pink lips curved when she smiled. How even though she was so small, she fit perfectly in his arms.

"Thank you for the dance, captain." She said with a smile. Law smirked, but still held her hand.

"Come with me." He said. He pulled her to his bedroom.

"C-Captain? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry." She apologized as he closed the door.

"How? How do you do it?" He asked. She looked at him.

"Do what?" She asked.

"How do you stay so happy? You watched your family and closest friends die, yet you still smile and laugh. How?" He asked. She blinked.

"Because... You like it." She said. Her answer took him by surprise. He stared in to her eyes, searching for any signs of dishonesty, but only finding sincerity.

"Because.. I like it?" He asked. She nodded. He gave her a confused stare.

"When we first met, you were always cold and distant. But then, when Shachi held me down and tickled me, I noticed that when I was smiling, you'd stare at me with a small smile of your own. After that, I decided that I'll make you smile! And I won't stop until I do! Until I see the biggest smile on your face." She said.

Law grabbed her wrist and pulled her with him. He sat on the bed, then pulled her on to his lap. He dragged her in to an embrace. He held her tight against his chest. She rested her head on his shoulder and he closed his eyes, resting his head against hers.

"Aka-ya. I know you're hiding your pain. If you ever need to just let loose and cry. Please, don't hesitate to come to me." He said.

"B-but... I'll make you smile... I won't if I cry." She said softly. Law stroked her cheek gently.

"I want to make you smile, too. A real one. Not one you fake to make me smile. I want you to wear your true smile. I'll make you smile, Aka-ya." He said. Soon, Aka had broken in to full out sobs, finally letting all of her burried pain out of it's pressurized container.

Her tan, slender fingers clutching tightly to his shirt as she sobbed harshly in to his neck.

Law didn't whisper lies to her to make her feel better. He didn't shush her. He just held her and let her cry. He kept his arms around her small frame. He let her cling to him. Something only she would ever get to do.

Aka cried herself to sleep, feeling safe in Law's arms. Law gently pulled her glasses from her face and set them on the bedside table, then gently laid her in the bed. Her fingers refused to release the death grip on his shirt, so he laid beside her and watched her sleep peacefully, stroking her tear stained cheeks gently.

"I'll erase your pain. I'll take away the sting. Every time you heart sinks, I'll raise it up. Every time you feel cold, I'll warm you. I swear, Aka-ya. I'll make you smile." He vowed silently and kissed her cheek gently and fell asleep, not realizing the his hand now held her's.

[the end]

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