A Father's Love- Zoro #11

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RT_Strawhat_Ninja: this is a continueation of "A swordsman's love."


Zoro had been thrilled when Ki told him they were having a baby. But when Chopper told them twins, he had been so overjoyed he cried.

Ki woke up late one night as the twins stretched inside her. She felt soft kisses on her tummy. She looked down and saw Zoro haunched over her swollen belly.

"Hello there, little ones. I can't wait to see you. That's right, daddy can't wait to hold you and see your pretty eyes and your cute faces." He whispered. Ki smirked as he pressed more kisses to the bump where the twins rested.

"You don't need to worry about a thing. That's right. Daddy is always going to protect you. I'll always be here for you. Always." He whispered and kissed her belly again. She giggled at him and propped herself up.

"I always knew you'd be a good dad." She said. Zoro looked up at her. He sighed.

"I hope I am. I have yet to see how they react to me. God, Ki, I hope they like me." He said, staring at the bump. Ki reached out and tugged on his hair. He sat up and pulled her in to his lap, keeping one arm behind her back and the other on her stomach.

"You will be, Zoro. The babies are going to love you." She said. Zoro rested his head on her's and stared down at the bulge of her stomach. One of the twins punched his hand.

"There! See! They're saying that they're ready to be little swordsmen already! And they want daddy to train them." Ki cooed. Zoro smiled happily and rubbed her stomach softly.

"Now, come on. It's time to sleep. All of us." She said. They lied back down on the bed and went back to sleep.

A few days later, Ki went in to labor. Zoro was immediately at her side. However, Chopper was terrified considering he had never helped a woman give birth before. Luckily for them, Law and Aka were visiting the straw hats and Law knew how to birth children.

Zoro was forced to wait outside of the delivery room and listened as Ki gave birth. Aisuru, Luffy and Nami sat beside him. Aisuru held his hand as they waited. Finally, early in the morning, Ki's screams stopped, only to be replaced with the cries of two babies.

The door opened and a very tired looking Aka stepped out. She smiled at Zoro softly.

"Zoro, come here. There's someone I want you to meet." She said. Zoro stood up and followed Aka in to the room. Immediately his eyes fell on Ki in the bed. She smiled tiredly up at him. Zoro stepped over to her and sat down.

"Zoro, this is your son, Kosen." Ki said with a tired voice. The baby that was sleeping softly in Ki's arms twitched. Zoro reached out and stroked his cheek. The baby boy calmed and continued to sleep in his mother's arms. A baby's cries filled his ears and he looked up, watching as Aka walked over to him, carrying Kosen's twin.

"And this is your daughter, Kuina." Ki said as Aka approached.

"Go ahead, hold her." Aka said softly. Zoro was nervous. What if he dropped her? Slowly, Zoro held his arms out for his daughter. Aka lowered the baby in to his arms and instructed him how to properly hold her. The baby continued to cry.

"Hey... hey, Kuina... I've got you. Daddy's got you." Zoro murmured, never taking his eye off his daughter. Upon hearing her father's voice, Kuina stopped crying. Her little eyes opened and she stared up at Zoro. She had Ki's eyes. Zoro smiled.

"Well, hello there, pretty girl. Aren't you beautiful? Heh, looks like I'm going to be fighting off boys when you get big." Zoro said. A little smile broke across the baby girl's face and a squeak escaped her as she lifted her arms out of the blanket and reached for Zoro's face. Zoro smiled and leaned down and kissed her head. A happy squeak escaped the little girl. Zoro felt a tear rise to his eye.

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