Fear- Luffy #13

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He had never been in a bar to drink before. Normally just to take one of his friends home or encourage a contest of shots and other drinking games. Hell, he had never actually drank alcohol before. Save for the one time when he and his brothers stole some sake from Dadan.

"Luffy? What are you doing here? Are you drinking?" Came the voice of his best friend, Zoro. The greenette male plopped himself on a bar stool beside the raven.

"I don't know what to do, Zoro." Luffy grumbled out, staring at the rum in front of him.

"What's up, Luffy?" Zoro asked. Luffy leaned back and ran his hand through his messy black hair, a distressed sigh passing his lips.

"Aisuru is pregnant." Luffy said. Zoro was surprised to hear Luffy call his girlfriend by her full name instead of one of the cute little nicknames he made for her.

"And before you even question it, yes, it is my baby." Luffy grumbled, knowing his friends and everyone else thought he was too stupid or innocent to even know what the bedroom activities that resulted in Aisuru getting pregnant were.

"Never even doubted it wasn't. Aisuru is too loyal to you for it to belong to anyone else. I'm just trying to see how this kind of news would cause you to be sitting in bar, drinking and looking like you've gotten the worse news in the world. Do you not want the kid or something?" Zoro asked.

"Of course I want the baby, Zoro. I love Aisuru and I know I'm going to love the baby. I am happy about having a baby with Aisuru." He said.

"So why are you looking so down?" Zoro asked. Luffy sighed and stared at the untouched alcohol.

"I'm scared, Zoro." Luffy said. Zoro stared at his best friend in shock.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up. You, Monkey D Luffy, kid who would fight a fucking tiger as a seven year old, punched Portgas D Ace in the face, stood up to fucking Crocodile, Arlong, Don Kreig, and Eneru is scared?" Zoro asked. Luffy sighed again.

"What if I'm not a good dad? What if the baby hates me? Aisuru waited until she was four months along to even tell me she was pregnant, Zoro. I think that she doesn't think I'll be a good dad." He said. Zoro smacked Luffy on the back of the head, sending the raven man's head in to the bar.

"Idiot." The greenette said. Luffy pulled his head up from the bar.

"What was that for, you jerk?!" Luffy yelled.

"You being dumber than normal. You think Aisuru isn't scared?" Zoro asked. Luffy stared at Zoro.

"She waited so long because she was scared! You guys are barely in to your twenties, after all. You're still kids. Aisuru is terrified because what if you two aren't ready for a baby? What if you don't even want the baby? What if you leave her now because you aren't ready to be a father? For four months, Ki and I have listened to her say these things. She has no idea what to do. Especially now that you've gone and run off to the bar immediately after she told you that she's having your baby with out saying a word to her about where you were going, or how long you'd be gone." Zoro lectured. Luffy gave him a wide eyed stare.

"She called Ki three hours ago. We've been looking for you ever since. She was crying." Zoro said. Luffy's heart sank. He made his love cry.

"Listen, Luffy. I get it. You're scared that you're not going to be good enough. That the baby is going to hate you. That you'll be a terrible father. That the baby is going to grow up and hate you. I was afraid of the same thing when Ki told me she was pregnant. But you know something?" Zoro asked. Luffy looked back to his friend. Zoro pulled out his wallet and pulled a picture of him, Ki and their twins. Ki was holding the boy, Kosen, and on Zoro's shoulders, was the girl, Kuina.

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