I Really Love You. For Real. - Law #14

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Mizu D. Lynn Aka. She was the strongest woman Law knew. The strongest of her friend group. The words of others didn't get to her easily. She's been called every word under the sun and she hadn't even blinked. Most times Law destroyed the men that said such nasty things to Aka. She was as hard to break as it was as hard to move a mountain.

She was his best friend since childhood. As they grew up together and were now in their mid-twenties, Law had begun to have feelings for Aka, yet her heart was stolen by another man. The man's name was Eustass Kidd.

To Law, Kidd was nothing more than a punk child trapped inside a man's body and was nothing but trouble. But Aka seemed as if she was happy with him, so he didn't say anything about it to her.

"Hey, Law, what do you think of Kidd?" She asked.

"Your boyfriend, Kidd-ya? He seems to make you happy." Law said.

"But what do you think of him, Law?" Aka asked, it almost seemed as if emotion was coming in to her normal monotone voice that Law loved so much.

"If he makes you happy, then there's nothing else to think about, Aka-ya. I just want you to be happy." Law said. A smirk tugged at her lips as she sipped her coffee and looked out the window and watched cars go by on the street.

"Thanks, Law. You're a pretty great friend. Ki and Aisuru say he gives them the creeps and Aoi says that something feels off about him, but I love him." Aka said, unknowingly putting a knife in Law's heart. But seeing the love in her beautiful silver eyes that normally are empty made him hold back his emotions.

That was the memory that was in Law's head when Aka showed up at his apartment that night. Her emotionless was still in tact.

"Aka-ya?" Law asked.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind my sudden appearence. I just needed to be around an old friend." Aka said.

"No, I don't mind. You're always welcome here, Aka-ya." Law said.

"Are you sure? You don't have a girl in there or anything?" She asked, a flicker of concern in her normally empty silver eyes.

"No. It's just me. Come in." He said. He felt that there was something wrong with Aka. His eyes trailed down to the phone in his hand.

Aoi: Law, there's something I need to tell you. -5 minutes ago

Law: what is it? -2 minutes ago.

Aoi: Aka and I just caught Kidd cheating on her. He dumped her. He told her that he didn't need her any more. She said she understood and left. -3 seconds ago

"Shit." Law thought as Aka came in and sat on his couch.

"Do you want anything to drink, Aka-ya?" Law asked.

"Do you have wine?" She asked. Law nodded and got them two glasses of wine. He was suprised to see her down it in no time flat.

"It's bad." Law thought as he poured her another glass and she downed that one as quickly as the first.

"Aka-ya... Is everything okay?" Law asked.

"Yeah, Law. I'm fine." She said. But Law heard the most heartbreaking sound he ever heard in his life.

Aka's voice cracked.

Aka's voice had never cracked the entire time Law knew her. Not even in puberty or when she was sick. Law could feel her heart breaking.

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