ER stands for Emergancy Romance- Law #16

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RT_Ninja: Hey, guys, so this oneshot is actually half a true story. The only thing that did not happen to me is the romantic parts. This actually happened to me today (Feb. 20, 2016) earlyer. Just want to give head heads up that I am completely fine! I will explain later, but let's get to what you want to see. The oneshot!


Aka sighed as she reported to work for the day.

"Hey, Aka. Thanks for coming in. If it gets slow tonight, go ahead and head home." Her boss, Gale, said.

"Not a problem, Gale." Aka said. Soon, Aka's Co-worker, Sanji came to the resturant and Gale headed out for the night. One hour past and Aka began to feel light headed.

"Geeze, I shouldn't have stood up so fast." She thought. She stopped setting up the customer's sandwich and took a moment to get the pounding in her head to stop.

"Onions too strong, Aka?" Sanji asked her.

"Nah, just got a little light headed suddenly. I'm fine now." She said.

"Are you sure? You look a little pale." He asked.

"I'm completely fine. Promise." She said. She took the order out to the customers.

"Alright, her is the Pulled Pork Sandwich with Baked Beans and here's the Ribs & Brisket meat plate for you and I'll be right back with some sauce." She said.

"Thank you." The customer said. As Aka approached the counter, her vision went black.

"Aka!" Sanji called and Aka lost conciousness.

Time skip

When Aka woke up, she was in a hospital bed.

"Wha-? Ow." She murmured.

"Oh, Aka! You're awake!" A voice said. Aka turned her head and saw her father, Donquixote Rocinante, sitting by her bedside.

"What happened?" She groaned.

"You passed out at work, remember?" Her father asked.

"I did? I remember feeling really light headed. Why did I pass out?" She asked.

"Calorie deprivation." A second voice came. Aka and Rocinante turned their heads to the door as a young doctor- maybe two or three years older than Aka- entered the room, looking at a clip board. He looked tired.

"Donquixote D. Lynn Aka-ya, correct?" He asked. Aka nodded.

"He's kinda cute." Aka thought. The doctor flipped through his papers.

"Ms. Donquixote, when was the last time you ate anything?" He asked.

"Uh, I'm not sure. How long have I been out?" She asked.

"You have only been unconcious for an hour." He said.

"In that case, yesterday afternoon." Aka said. The young doctor's head snapped up and looked at Aka and her father.

"Is everything alright with my daughter, Dr. Trafalgar?" Her father asked.

"Trafalgar... Why is that name firmiliar to me?" Aka thought.

"Why have you not eaten anything in a full 24 hour period, Ms. Donquixote?" Dr. Trafalgar asked.

"Well... My mother is currently helping my aunt move half way across the country, so I'm a bit worried about that." She said.

"She also had the tendancy to worry over little things." Her father said.

"You tripping and hitting your head on the table is not a little thing, father." Aka said. The young doctor almost seemed as if he were trying to repress laughter.

"Mr. Donquixote-" Dr. Trafalgar started.

"Mr. Donquixote is my brother. Call me Corazon." Her father said, asking another person to call him by his goofy nickname. The young doctor cleared his throat.

"Corazon, may I speak to your daughter alone for a moment?" He asked. Rocinante stood up.

"No funny buisness, Law." He warned.

"There is nothing funny about this." The young doctor replied. Rocinante left the room, tripping on nothing as he went. As the door shut, Dr. Trafalgar sighed.

"Do you remember me at all, Aka-ya?" He asked. Aka blinked.

"You look exteremly firmiliar, but that's about it." She said. The young doctor stood by her side and leaned down towards her.

"Maybe this will jog your memory." He said, gently pressing his lips to hers. Aka's eyes fluttered shut.

"Trafalgar Law... I remember now..." She thought. Law and Aka had dated when she was a freshmen and sophomore in high school. He was two years older than her, so he had been a junior and senior when they dated. He had been quite the bad boy back then, also Aka's first boyfriend. They broke up after he graduated so he could focus on college.

"Law... I remember you know. Full doctor, huh?" She asked.

"Yes. And I see you are working as a waitress that likes to passout after not eatting for 24 hours." He grumbled. Aka sighed.

"I already explained that." She said.

"While worry and stress can cause a person to stop eating, that doesn't mean you should. You passed out due to calorie deprivation, something that could lead to anemia or electrolyte imbalance. These are not safe." He said. Aka huffed.

"Ya don't say." She grumbled.

"I'm serious, Aka-ya." He scolded. She sighed.

"So am I, Law." She said. He sighed and wrote on a piece of paper.

"After this is done, take this down to the pharmacy. Take two pills every morning for two weeks. Also eat on a regular basis and have a small snack at least once a day." He said handing her the paper.

"Also, so I can make sure that you are eatting properly, meet me at this address at noon, tomorrow." He said, handing her a second piece of paper. On it was the address for a resturant.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" She asked. Law leaned in over her again.

"Yes, Aka-ya. I am. I've missed you a lot. I just graduated last year and as you can see, I have a stable job. I'd like to pick up where we left off." He said, planting one last soft kiss to her lips.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then." She said and left the room with a small smile on her face.

[the end]

RT_Ninja: so here's what happened with me:

Yesterday, at around 5:00pm, my mother, my brother and I all went over to my aunt's house to help her finish packing for her move half way across the country. We packed up and lifted heavy things in to a truck and two cars until 11:00 at night. I did not eat anything then. Today, I slept through breakfast, had a glass of water for lunch and then worked from 5:00pm to 7:30pm when I passed out due to calorie deprivation. I woke up in the hospital at 8:30 to have everything explained to me only to understand that I passed out from having no calories to burn while I ran around at work. I wasn't seriously injured, so I don't have to take anytime off work (thank god) but I now have to take special medication for a couple of weeks and I have a specific diet to ensure I get the proper amount of calories.

In short: I'm fine. I just didn't eat anything because I was worried about my mom and my aunt traveling half way across the country in winter. I'll be okay, just this medicine makes me very hyperactive one moment and exteremly tired the next. So if I disappear for a couple of weeks, I'm fine, I'm just tired from my medicine or I'm so hyper that I can't sit still long enough to write something.

Thank you for your patients, guys. I'll see you in the next update!

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