Tired- Law #19

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Aka yawned and stretched, realizing she was in her bed. Last night, she had fallen asleep in her Captain's medical room. If she fell asleep there and woke up in her bed, then that meant he had finished his work and carried her to bed.

She smiled to herself as she changed out of her cloths. With Captain's work done, she would finally get that date he was promising her ever since they found their newest crew mate. A tiny polar bear named Bepo.

Bepo was just a little orphan cub that they found. The little bear had learned to talk and holy mother of Poseidon, it was adorable!

"Hm. I wonder where the little squeaker is?" Aka thought. She peered inside the kitchen, only to find it empty.

Life on the submarine was pretty dull with it being only Law, Aka and Bepo. Though the little bear did make things slightly more interesting. While Law worked away in the medical room, Aka kept her eyes on the little bear. The nineteen year old often wondered if that was what it would be like to have a child.

"Squeaks is probably still asleep." She hummed to herself. Squeaks, Squeaker, Little Squeaker were all nicknames Aka had for the little bear.

Aka made her way to Law's room, assuming that he was probably asleep, but was surprised to find his bed empty. His covers untouched. As if they hadn't ever been moved. And Law normally didn't make his bed. Making beds were part of Aka's daily duties.

She sighed and made her way to the medical room. She peered in and saw Law sitting at a small desk in the corner, reading a book. No doubt a medical book and he was drinking coffee. Aka pushed in and Law looked up at her.

"Aka-ya, you're not supposed to be in here with out permission." The 21 year old man said. Aka cocked an eyebrow, folded her arms and popped out her hip.

"And who am I going to ask for permission when you've locked yourself up in here, Law?" She asked. He sighed. She sighed back.

"Seriously, Law. You've known me for years, yet you act like you can't trust me." She said. He looked away.

"You know that's not what I mean." He said. She sighed and walked over to his desk.

"I know, Law." She said softly. He continued to read. She sighed.

"I thought you were done with all this work." She said.

"What makes you think that?" He asked. She stared at him.

"Considering that you and I have both been falling asleep in here practically every night because of your work, and I woke up in my bed?" She asked.

"I took a small break and I took you to bed." He said. She sighed.

"When did you wake up?" She asked.

"Is it morning?" He asked her.

"Yeah." She said.

"Then I've been up all night." He said.

"Law!" She groaned. Law yawned and took a sip of her coffee. The two heard a small sound. They both looked down as a pair of tiny, white bear ears poked up over the edge of Law's desk, soon followed by the face of the tiny bear.

"Aka-chan!" The little bear squeaked. Law stared down at the bear in his lap as he stretched out to point to what he understood in the book. To Aka, the sight was adorable. (A/N look at the picture above to see what Aka sees. Kawaii as fuck, right?)

"Bepo, have you been in here all night?" She asked.

"Uh-huh! Captain's been teaching me things in this book! Then I fell asleep... Then I woke up again a few hours ago!" Bepo said happily. Aka sighed and turned on Mother Aka Mode.

"That's sweet, but how about you go back to your room and take a small nap." Aka said. Bepo looked up at her.

"But, Captain-" he started.

"Will also be getting some sleep in his own room. I'm taking charge for today." Aka said. Law looked up at her.

"Aka-ya, you don't-" he started. Aka cut him off.

"No! I do need to, Law. I can tell just by looking at you that you're exhausted. And if you keep going until you pass out here, you are going to do some serious damage to your back. You are going to sleep in your bed and that's final." She said. She walked over and picked up Bepo. She pulled the coffee from Law's hand.

"I'm going to put Bepo to bed, you clean up here and then go to your own room to sleep." She said.

"Aka-ya..." He said. She looked at him.

"Don't argue with me, Law." She said. Law sighed. He smiled softly as she walked out of the room, carrying the small bear that had gotten maybe three or four hours of sleep. He had to admit that he loved it when she took control like that.

He did as the small woman told him to and cleaned up, then headed to his room. He changed in to more comfortable clothes and climbed under the covers. He tried to sleep, but he couldn't. He just couldn't relax. He heard the door open, but he didn't open his eyes. He already knew who it was.

"Having trouble?" She whispered to him. He nodded. He felt her shift to lie down beside him and her hand play with his hair. He sighed and relaxed. Slowly, Law finally drifted off to sleep.

[the end]

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