Hot - Ace # 4

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Aoi twisted and turned in her bed.

It had to be 100 degrees in her room. You would think that being made out of water would help with keeping cool, but nope. To Aoi, it felt as if she were slowly evaporating.

She groaned as she rolled around in her bed again.

"It's too fucking hot." She thought. Of course, it didn't help that she shared a room with Portgas D. "Fire Fist" Ace. Her boyfriend.

She looked at the man. He was sound asleep. The heat clearly not affecting him. Aoi sighed. She hates to do this, but if she didn't, it was possible she's suffocate from the humidity. She already had a hard enough time breathing in the humidity that hung in the air of their room after she and Ace...

Never mind. You don't need to know.

Aoi pulled on her sweats and a tank top that matched her sky blue hair and she wandered out on deck. She climbed up to the crow's nest where she and Ace had often taken naps together. She curled up and tried to sleep. But now it was too cold for her. She sighed.

"Never fucking happy, are you?" She grumbled to herself, curling up in a little ball, trying to get herself warm enough to sleep.

Meanwhile, back in the room, Ace woke up once his body registered that the bed was missing a body weight. Panic overtook the man of fire when he realized that his sweet Aoi wasn't there.

His eyes snapped open and he sat up. His eyes searched the dark room for any sign of his beloved girlfriend. His heart raced when he found none.

"Aoi?" He asked. No responce from the quiet room. Ace lied back down, trying to calm himself.

"I'm over reacting. She probably went to the bathroom or went to get a drink of water." He thought. Then he remembered that Aoi had been sleeping in her under wear. She would never wander the ship in her underwear even if she were alone on the ship. Ace leapt from the bed and immediately began to search for her frantically, trying not to wake anyone up in the process. Aoi was his to worry about after all.

"Where is she? Where is she? Where is my Aoi?" Ace thought, panic rising higher in his heart as he found her no where. He finally arrived on deck. He looked around wildly. He saw Marco on night watch.

"Ace? What are you doing up so late? It's not your night for night watch." He said. Ace shook his head.

"I can't find Aoi. I woke up and she wasn't in bed any more." Ace said.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I saw her climb up to the crow's nest earlier. She looked sweaty and tired. It probably got too hot for her." Marco said, but Ace was gone by the time he said "crow's nest."

Ace climbed up to the crow's nest and found Aoi, curled up on the floor, trying to sleep and shivering.

"Too cold for you now, water angel?" Ace asked. He meant to sound teasing, but it came out grumpy and irritated. Aoi perked her head up.

"Sorry... It was too hot in the room and I didn't want to wake you." She said. Ace frowned.

"I'm a bad boyfriend." He said. Aoi sat up.

"No! Ace, you're a wonderful boyfriend. The best I could ask for! It was just a little too warm for me is all." She said. Ace continued to frown.

"It was too hot for you and I didn't even think about it. I'm so sorry, Aoi." He said. Aoi sat up and grabbed his arm.

"Just come here, dummy." She said. Ace did as he was told. Aoi pushed him down to lay on his back and then she laid her head on his chest and cuddled in to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You are the best boyfriend ever. I love you." Aoi said, kissing Ace's cheek. Ace held her tight against him.

"I love you, too. But, please, next time something is wrong, wake me up." He said. Aoi shook her head, causing him to frown.

"Why?" He asked. She smirked, her jade eyes meeting his ash eyes.

"Because your so cute when your asleep." She said.

"You don't think I'm cute when I'm awake?" He asked. She chuckled as she yawned.

"No. You're hot." She said and finally fell asleep. Ace smiled at her as she slept. He kissed her head and let himself drift off to sleep slowly.

"You're hot when you tease me, you're cute when you sleep and you're the best girlfriend ever." He uttered before he finally drifted off to sleep.

[the end]

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