Chapter 1 - We Meet Again (EDITED)

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Jessica-Aphmau's fake name

We Meet Again

Aphmau was going through paper work that Zane scattered on her desk. This is the thing that she hates the most about being Zane's personal guard. Paper work. She sighed frustrated, she was irritated, annoyed. She couldn't take it anymore and just flipped her chair breathing in and out as if her life depended on it.

As she heard someone knock on her door, she got all of her sane back, picking up the chair and placing it the way it was before. As she started to clean the papers, she coughed

"Come in" Aphmau said, she picked up one paper that got her attention. It said something about Phoenix Drop. But as she looked to see who was at the door, she puts the paper down and smiles.

"Lady Aphmau" Aphmau's blue haired best friend, Katelyn says with her usual cold voice, she was like this when it came to business, but when she isn't, she is a softie.

"Lady Katelyn. Any requests?" Aphmau asked, silence filled the air and soon, her smile dropped and her expression was now serious.

As Katelyn spoke about stuff. Aphmau just looked back at the papers on her table, she wasn't even listening since, she was too busy worrying about the mess on her table. "You are choosen to go to Bright Port" hearing the word 'Bright Port' made her eyes widened. She dropped what she was holding, messing up the place even more and looked at Katelyn with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry, what?" Aphmau asked.

Katelyn leaned on the wall and crossed her arms. "You are tasked to go to Bright Port" Katelyn says in a less serious tone.

"What? Why?" Aphmau asked. She had so many questions that she wanted to explode!

"Zane 'The High Priest' said that you will look for his lost brother Garroth Ro'meave" Katelyn rolled her eyes when she said 'The High Priest'

"Garroth Ro'meave. He and I met in the woods long ago, why'd he leave?" Katelyn just shrugged.

"I have no idea. He's been missing for years. I don't even know why Zane chose today to start looking for him" Katelyn says sighing.

"Hm, Zane needs him for something, most likely rule over the world" Aphmau says making Katelyn chuckle.

"Well alright. I gotta go now" Katelyn says turning around, but she didn't walk away just yet. "Your job is on the line here" she said sadly before leaving.

              A while after cleaning her messy table, Aphmau changed to something casual, just a regular purple sleeveless shirt, gray shorts, black boots, and a cap, she took a while to pack her bags. She was so happy that she won't see Zane's face ordering her to finish the paperworks, or getting ordered to kill someone. She could taste freedom during this mission, but, behind something positive, there's always something negative.

She was finally done, excitement filled her, she loved traveling, especially if it's for free. She went outside holding her bag, passing by a certain one eyed freak.

"I see you got the message" Zane the High Priest said.

"No crap Sherlock" Aphmau said rolling her eyes.

Zane face palmed "whatever. Bring that horse, Crystal with you" he ordered before leaving. 'Hmph, I am going to even without him reminding me.' She thought to herself.

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now