Chapter 7 - The Couple

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Aphmau's pov


I am in a place. Its white. All white. Then I see. The shinning sol (sun), and joy. Then I see the rising Luna (moon) and sadness. I see Me. Controling other villages. Being ordered by Garte. Zane somehow helping them afterwards. Me corrupted. I have red eyes and in my Jurry form. Teaming up with Garte. While Zane is teaming up with the good people. What? I dont understand.
Zane helping the people in the morning and me destroying everything at night. It all went black and something showed up. Garroth. Laying on the floor.

"Aphmau? What happened?"
"Did I?"
"You did this. Everyone. Half dead. Everything falling. It was YOU who made us this way"

~~~~~~end of dream

GAH! Its already bad that im watching a series and someone is half dead. But why? Its like that series I watched called Minecraft Diaries. In all people in Minecraftia it has to be me. I mean it could of been- no. I need to go.

"Aphmau" Garroth said
"Aphmau are you okay?" Laurence said worriedly
"Y-yes" I answered quietly
"Well. Im going on to patrol. Garroth. Im counting on you to help Lady Aphmau on her problem"
"Okay. Thanks for thanking over my shift today"
"No problem. Im second guard am I not? And I just dont like seimg her like that"

Laurence left and I was on the couch with Garroth hugging me.

"Aphmau? What happened" he says in a sympathethic voice
"I dreamt that I will be a corrupt q-lord" I stuttered
"Aphmau. That will never happened"
"Thank you Garroth"

Garroth's pov

Aphmau being corrupt? Sounds like Garte. No! She can be like him. She doesnt even know my past life. I- *sigh*
"Feeling better?" I silently said
"Y-yeah. I need to put on my costume. Prince Malachi must be ariving any moment"
"Okay. Ill go and wait"

I went outside. I waited by the docks and saw a ship. Its a big ship for a prince. Reminds me of O'khasis ships

Aphmau's pov

I changed to my purple wig, white tee and skater skirt. I put on contacts. And went outside. I saw Garroth talking to Malachi

"Hello. Im Prince Malachi. I am here not to bring fear but this was an assighnment by my father. He says that I need to investigate the only village next to a wolf tribe" Malachi formally said
"Okay. Im Garroth. Head guard and-"
"Im Claire. The lord of this village"
"Good Morning lord Claire. Shall me and Levin come in?"

Shoot. I didnt know that Levin was comming

"Yes" I bowed. The feeling where you bow to your own siblings

Garroth led them to a house and I introduced them to the villagers. Hmmmmmm. After I went to the walls again and saw 2 people one with long dark brown hair and green eyes. The other with curly blond hair and Teel eyes.

"Hi Im Claire" I warmly said
"Wheres the lord of this village?" The blond hair asks in a rude manner
"Im sorry. Im Donna. This is Logan"
"I am the Lord. May I help you?"

Wow. That was unexpected

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now