Chapter 40

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Aphmau's father and garroth came back inside. Aphmau was looking outside the window trying to think. Levin and Malachi are making cards for Aphmau, Savana was looking at a picture. Just then Aphmau teared up a bit. Garroth ran up to her and gently hugged her.
"Jess. What's wrong?" Garroth asked making her father smile as he sat down next to Savana "Claire. I wish she was alive. I remember, me. Her. We went to Freddy's. She was slayed and she is a trapped soul their" Aphmau said with a soft voice "Jess. It's okay".
It was evening. Savana, Levin and Malachi went home. Aphmau's father went to O'khasis's castle. While Garroth offered to look after Aphmau until she can go home. Aphmau's dad was sent to Garte's office. It was dark. He had 2 guards. Like in he movies the chair turned around showing Garte. He had a evil face.
"Levi (this is random. I'm naming Aphmau's dad Levi), what do you want? Free payment for your daughter? Cash? Diamonds?" Garte asked "no. Do you mind cutting off the wedding?" Garte gave a angry expression "what ever do you mean? You were with me at this. It could stop war between Scaleswind and us" "I mean. My daughter and your son. Loves each other. I don't want my daughter hurt. It's your son's opinion. You can't force someone to marry" "I do whatever I want" "your son is the one who is becoming king. Not you. Let him choose what he wants to do" "you always try to change my mind. This time I'm not letting you take control. I was forced into marriege to" Garte stood up and walked around Levi. Levi was stupid enough to stand strait. "You won't change my mind" Garte kept talking about his answer, Garte's 5th spin he stoped behind Levi, took a sword, and stabbed him in the back. (Like Jeffrey's death) "" Levi said falling "thank you for the compliment" "J...........Jes.......sica" that was Levi's last word.
Back to Aphmau and Garroth. "Garroth?" Aphmau asked lightly as Garroth was fixing the couch that he will be sleeping on "yes Jessica?" Garroth asked as he went to Aphmau and sat beside her on the bed "What was I like to Bright Port?" Garroth smiled "you acted like a brat" Garroth laughed a bit "w-w-what? Was I crazy and burned the whole place?" "You were a Lord. But now. Bright Port didn't make it. The villagers moved villages" "was I the cause of all this?" "No. It was I. If I haven't come to my father earlier. War should've happened and you should've been to your home kingdom" Aphmau leaned closer, she puts her head to his chest and he blushed a bit "Garroth. I know you can't spoil anything to me. But tell me. How long have I been Lord?" "Long enough for you to fall for me" Aphmau punch Garroth on a avarage motion. "Idiot" "their's my Jessica. You were so formal and became fiesty" Aphmau smiled and fell asleep. Garroth smiled and fell asleep next to her.
The next day. Garroth was shocked but he remembered what happened. Aphmau's eyes opened. She puts her head on the pillow and Garroth stood up. "Want something to eat?" Garroth asked "I would want to" Aphmau's voice was soft "what would you like?" Garroth asked "anything" Garroth smiled as he left the room. He walked in the halls. He then saw Laurance leaning on the wall near Aphmau's door. "Laurance? What's wrong?" He looked up. His eyes were a bit red from crying. "Aphmau's father is dead. He was killed" "by?!" Garroth was shocked. Laurance put his hands on Garroth's shoulders. "Garte!" Laurance was angered "m-my dad? No. No! What do I tell Aphmau?!" "I don't know". Just then a mei'fwa came. "Prince Garroth kun. Garte kun has been arrested for King Levi senpai's death. Queen Zianna chan requested prince Garroth kun to come home immidiately" "Kawaii chan. I need to take care of Jes-" "go Garroth. You might be able to stop the wedding. I will take care of Aphmau" Laurance said "bring her food and explaine why I have to go" Garroth said and Laurance nodded. Laurance went to the food court while Kawaii chan and Garroth went back to the castle

Wow. I never knew I would go to 40 chapters, 3 A/n's and 1 tag. I would like to thank you even if I have only a few readers and a few votes 😃 so right now this book is also on edit. Also Nicole's diary

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