Chapter 8 - The First Amulet

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Aphmau's pov

It was noon. What a tiring day, I showed Donna and Logan to Bright Port, damn they had a handful of questions. The sun was already setting when I assigned them into a house. I swear I literally fell on my bed when I arrived home.

I was about to pass out till I heard the doorbell. Dangit!!

I peeked out the balcony and saw Levin and Malachi. I quickly ran
"Claire!" He called, I turned around and faked a smile.
"Oh! Prince Levin!"
"Claire. May I speak with you?" He catches his breath as he talks
"In or out?" I ask with a dependent voice
"I dont want any trouble in your village. But I saw this amulet"
"Where did you get this?"
"I cant tell you but. I feel I should. I got it from a High Priest in O'khasis. He said give it to the new lord of Bright Port". Zane knows?
"Thank you"
"Your welcome. I should go"

Him and I waved goodbye. I looked at the amulet. Its not cursing me or a-
It glowed
It changed color and jewel
From purple to blue.
From heart to diamond.

While I was looking at the pendant. Garroth came from behind me.

"Aphmau! Or should I say Claire?"
"Out of all names. Why did you pic Clair?"
"It compliments my dark purple wig and light green eye contacts (and because they were friends in the fnaf series)"
"Wait. What did I say? Im not kidding"
"Well that was wierd."
"I need to go to my room. Bye, and goodnight"
"You too my lov- lord"

I smiled at him and he smiled back. I came to my room and before I slep I told myself 'well. Here it goes'. Just then my phone rang. It was Katelyn

"Hello?" I said with a soft vouce so Garroth wont hear me
"Aphmau! Good news! You know that pendant? Well Zane wants you to use it on people"
"What?!" I say almost shouting
"He just told me. Well gotta go bye!"

Cur- no. I can think of that in another day. I took off my eye contacts. My eyes are getting blurry. Gosh


"Hello?" I yelled. I was in a white room. I saw peace and harmony. I saw 3 doors. One leads to O'khasis. Next Bright port. Then.......Phoenix Drop. I chose to go to. O'khasis first. There I saw me. Taking over. Corrupted by Garte. I shut the door and went to Bright port next. I saw Azura and Garroth. Getting married, on the other side of that. I saw me and Laurence. Im crying, and Laurence is helping me become calm. I went out of that door, lastly. Phoenix Drop. I saw me and Garroth. Being happy. On the other hand I saw Laurence and Katelyn. Being happy aswell. Wait. So I am rightfully in Phoenix drop?. I went outside and saw 2 paths. One filled with light and the other with darkness. I went to the dark one. I saw 3 clouds. The first cloud was me? Falling from a tree? The second could was showing me. On the floor. Zane trying to slay me. But Garroth shielded me and leaving him. The last was me. Crying with Laurence frustrated, and him hugging me.

------------end of dream

I wake up. I put on my wig, and brushed it.

"Lady Clair!"
"May I ask you something?"
"Why did you choose Clair?"
"Ummmm. It suits the green contacts and my dark purple hair"

(And because she was her friend in the fnaf series R.I.P Bonnie)

"Oh ummm. Okay"
"Bye I need to go talk to Donna and Logan"
"Okay. Take some breakfast"
"Yeah okay"

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now