Chapter 16 - Hi, One Eye

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Aphmau's pov

We returned from Phoenix Drop. What I imagined was real. The flames of happiness in the castle is gone, the gold love and joy in the village is pure black sadness. I guess I am the one who spreads joy. Dont worry Phoenix Drop. Your Phoenix will return. I am in our house looking out the window unti-

"Lord Aphmau. Their are some visitors here" Garroth said worried and mad
"What? Alright I'll be their"

I came to the gate's and saw something I never expected

"Good afternoon Lord E-Aphmau"
"Good morning" I greeted he winkind at me
"Who are you?" I asked
"I am Zane the High Priest and I just wanted to visit this place for 1 week"
Laurence came running
"Lord A- one-" Laurence said holding his laugh
"Laurence no" I giggled
"Laurence is your name? If your going to call me one eye I dont appritiate it"
"1 week? Ok I will allow that to happened"
"Thank you lord Aphmau"
"You can stay in Visher's old home"
"Garroth can you bring him to that house?"
"Tsk fine" he said grumpily
They left and me and Laurence burst on laughter
"Bwahahahaha. Laurence I didnt expect that ahahha good timing"
"Yeah hahaha dang one eye is here. Guessing that is a sign that we should return"
"Not yet I dont want to leave YET"
"Yadayada. Lets watch what the 'brothers' are doing"
"I would love to see Garroth's reaction"

I ran on top of a tree and Laurence was on the guard tower.

"Brother what are you doing here?"
"Pushing me away eh? Well I was sent here by Garte so don't blame me"
"Why on earth would he bring you here?"
"I have no idea"
"This is the house"
"Thank you Garroth"

They gave each other a death stare. Those 2 never get along do they? I was going back till the branch cracked. I was falling. Oh my Irene why did I choose a high tree? Everything was like an anime. Your falling from the sky and their are twinkling music. I blocked out. I woke up. Huh? No broken bones? No exploding blood? I felt warm arms and I was shock.

"L-Lord Aphmau"
"Huh? Oh my Irene Im so sorry"
He lets me down
"Aphmau? Were you spying on me? And Zane?"
"Mostly Zane"
"He's O'khasian"
"How do you know?"
"*faceplam* is it damn obviuse? He has a cross"
"So you think Im O'khasian?"
"Isnt it obviuse?"
"Aphmau. Your good at solving puzzles"

He left. This isnt a puzzle Garroth. Its a mission. I went to the house, drank tea and took a book. Someone knocked on the door and I opened it

"Empress. May I speak with you?"
"Yes sir"

We went inside and I gave him tea

"What's tha matter? Did something happened?"
"Nothing happened. My father sent me here for a reason. You are taking SO long that we cant stand it"
"Its been 5 months"
"Yes it has. But you NEED to go back. Phoeni-"
"I know what happened to Phoenix drop sir. I dont want to keep on saying it. Tell me sir. You want Ro'meave back. Why do you hate each other?"
"Its not me. He hates me. He thinks I am the reason that Garte has been corrupted. But Im not. Its him"
"He has been gone. Ever since that Garte had been wild, and not to mention were going through war. Do you not realize how harsh he's been through?"
"Sir. Im sorry. At the end of this week. I promise. I will come with you. All I wanted is war in this village"
"I do too. But the plans might change"
"I understand sir" I said saluting. He left and I went to my room. Change of plans eh? I might do that

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now