Chapter 45

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You can play song

7 days later (this number though)

It was midnight, tears rolled down Princess Jess's face. As her hands were tied up behind her, sitting in a shape of a 'W'. Tears rolled down her eyes as she puts her head down, anger and sadness came rolling up. "I- this is all my fault" her scared voice said as tiny bits of memories came "I should've left" more tears rolled down as she gritted her teeth. "All my fault" she burst out crying "if this never had happened"

"Garroth?" Her eyes were wide opened, as it becomes smaller a grin grows on her face
"Aphmau. How long has it been?" He asked as a smile grew on his face

"I should've still be free"

"Aphmau? Your tearing up. Are you okay?" He asks in a worried face
"N-yes. No. Yes. No. I dont know" she answered putting her head down. Hair flowing down her face
"dont worry" he waves away the hair on her face and put his hand on her chin and raised it up making them meet eye to eye. He puts his hands on her cheeks and wipes it away slowly putting her in a hug


"Garroth?" She asked as she entered the room
"y-yeah?" He turns around from the mirror facing the guard
"You have been off. I know your going to a date. But you should be yourself. You spent 1 hour on that documentary about dates and another hour on looking for things to wear" Aphmau said making a smile
"Gosh I bet Azura is already done with the things that need to be done" the girl teased making him turn around
"your right. But" he stopped making her look shock
"but what? You cant change the subject. If it turns out bad. Then it will be in the past and you will learn something from it. Remember. The past doesnt change. But the past can change you. Remember that" she said as the smile went a bit down
"how could it change you?"
"Its difficult to explain. You will understand soon" the boy smiled in her intelligence

"Their is no freedom"

"Hi. My name is Lucinda. May I speak with your lord?" A girl with orange hair asked
"What are you?" Aphmau asked making her look interested in the witch
"I am a Human Witch or to make it easier to tell you. I am Half Witch Half Human" the witch says smiling
"Well okay....Lucinda......I dont know anything about the lord because I just came here a few weaks ago so yeah" "awwww. Thats too bad. Well do you want to hang out sometime?"
"So rude of me for not saying my name. I am Aphmau. And if you want we can hang out right now" Aphmau suggested as they both smiled
"yeah okay"

"Only fear"
"And sadness"

"Garroth! Help!" She yelped in fear
"Why would I help you? You hate me right?" He asked in shame plopping into his bed
"GARROTH! NO TIME FOR THAT! I AM-" she was cut off by his words
"You listen here. I dont want to hurt you. I am busy. Go to your boyfriend or someone" he suggested almost turning off the call
"DAMNIT GARROTH! YOUR NO HELP AT ALL! WH--" she screams but someone puts a hand on her mouth

"You can't trust anyone" she said as the tears stopped "they'll just leave you" her voice is becoming a blur "no one will save you" her eyes glowing red "and that's all I know" she falls in the ground and faints. Tears streamed down. Her vision became blurry.

Everyone is looking at a grave. Friends, family, everyone. O'khasis, Scaleswind, Meteli, Phoenix drop. Their all looking at a grave.
"Princess (Empress) Jessica (Aphmau) Lore of Phoenix Drop 1992-2016.
Death: torchured suicide
'May you're lies be forgotten. We will miss you're grace'" her eyes widend as she saw everyone gathered up in her grave. "W-w-no" she looked infront of Garroth but he cannot see her. "Garroth" she tries to hug him but passed through instead. Tears rolled down her face as she fell down. "If this is reality" she clenches her fist "then I'm willing to take it" she puts it near her heart. She stood up and and raised her fist. "Even from here. I know that you know I'm not her" she says turning around to see Garroth's back

Aphmau wakes up. In shock she had tears in her face "I will escape" she tightens up her fists "I WONT REST TILL THE DAY I DIE"

Back in O'khasis. It was the day of cornation. A crowd of people from O'khasis, Scaleswind, Phoenix Drop, and even Meteli and Nahakra came to celebrate the beautiful cornation day. Cadenza was fixing her majesty's hair as her majesty sat in royalty. Cadenza opens her mouth to speak but closes it. 'This is so strange. She usually has a pure aura but I sence evil' the fire haired girl thought to herself as she emotionlessly looked at her "well?" The soon-to-be-faker-queen asked in a queen of hearts tone "you're majesty. You're hair is all fixed up. You're ready for the cornation" the princess stands up and pulls her long gown a bit up as she walked on the halls. The empty halls that the real her puts sunshine on but now its all gone.

Garroth is at his room looking at himself. His maid is fixing up a bit on his room while he is fixing his tie. "Kawaii chan? What's with the wrong face?" He asked looking at his maid. She stands up looking down "Kawaii Chang's apologies that she can't tell you" he looked at her confused making her look a bit scared and helpless "tell me" he ordered "that girl is NOT Princess Aphmau senpai. Kawaii chan senses a str-" he cuts her off trying not to shout "Kawaii chan. I told you not to talk about her like that! She just reco-" she bows and stands up to face him. "Kawaii chan's sorry. She has to go to the kitchen to set up the buffet" she walks away sadly making him sit in the side of his bed. He puts his hands on his head. "Their wrong" he says "she is her" he makes a fist "I just know it"

The real Aphmau tries to stand up carefully pulling her hands that were behind her. She finally stood up and she burnt the chains that were in her hands. "The power of the Phoenix will be released" her right grabs her left risk "they will know its not her once the Phoenix doesn't accept her fate" she did the same to her left hand "if Garroth of all people thinks I'm her I'm so disappointed in him" she looks around and finds a black cloak on the floor. She grabs it and puts it around her. She hides her face and punches the bars. It broke since the Phoenix will soon be released and the power is rising on her. She runs out escaping the castle

Too Many Lies - Garmau (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now